ADP315PC87570 National Semiconductor, ADP315PC87570 Datasheet - Page 81



Manufacturer Part Number
Keyboard and Power Management Controller
National Semiconductor
9.0 Interrupt Control Unit (ICU)
The ICU is a sixteen-channel interrupt control unit. It inter-
faces between the internal/external interrupt requests and
the CompactRISC CR16A core. It generates both maskable
and non-maskable interrupts.
Non-Maskable Interrupts (NMI)
Maskable Interrupts
The ICU receives an NMI signal from an external source
through the PFAIL pin. Despite its name, this pin may be
used as a general purpose NMI request source. The signal
originating from this pin is fed through the ICU into the
core’s NMI input.
When NMI processing begins, the core performs an inter-
rupt acknowledge core-bus cycle. The address associated
with this core bus cycle (0FF00h) is found within the internal
address space and may be monitored in the development
system (see Sections 18.4 on page 130 and 3.4 on page
After reset, PFAIL must be inactive until the firmware initial-
izes the interrupt table and the interrupt base.
To generate a trap, a falling edge on the PFAIL pin is asyn-
chronously detected. When this occurs, PFAIL (bit 0) in the
NMISTAT Register is set to 1 and an NMI request to the
core is issued.
The PFAIL pin has Schmidt trigger characteristics and an
internal synchronization circuit; no external synchronizing
circuit is needed.
The ICU receives interrupt signals from internal and exter-
nal sources, and generates a vectored interrupt to the
CR16A when required. Priority among the interrupt sources
is fixed (see the Priority column in Table 9-2). Each interrupt
source can be individually enabled or disabled. Pending in-
terrupts, enabled or disabled, can be polled using the inter-
rupt pending register.
When processing of a maskable interrupt begins, the core
performs an interrupt acknowledge core-bus cycle. The ad-
dress associated with this core bus cycle, 0FE00h, is found
within the internal address space and may be monitored in
the development system (see “Monitoring Activity During
Development” on page 2-172). IVCT is read in the interrupt
acknowledge cycle and its data is the interrupt vector num-
Handles one NMI source
Generates an NMI to the core.
16 interrupt sources
Supports CR16A vectored interrupts
Fixed priority among interrupt sources
Individual enable/disable of each interrupt source
Supports polling by an interrupt pending register
Programmable triggering mode and polarity.
Maskable Interrupts
Interrupt Control Unit (ICU)
The ICU triggering mode and polarity of each interrupt
source (individually) are both programmed via the Interrupt
Edge/Level Trigger Register (IELTG) and the Interrupt Trig-
ger Polarity Register (ITRPL).
Both the polarity and the triggering mode of the interrupt sig-
nals that are generated on-chip are fixed. It is the firmware’s
task to program the respective bits in IELTG and ITRPL as
Program the respective bits of IELTG and ITRPL Register
s, to control the ICU mode and polarity, as follows:
Edge-triggered interrupts are latched by the Interrupt Pend-
ing Register (IPEND). A pending edge-triggered interrupt is
cleared by writing the required value to the Edge Interrupt
Clear Register (IECLR). A pending level-triggered interrupt
is cleared only when the interrupt source is not active.
The Interrupt Vector Register (IVCT) holds the pending In-
terrupt vector of the non-masked interrupt with the highest
priority (highest number). IVCT is automatically read during
the interrupt acknowledge cycle. Interrupt vector numbers
are always positive, in the range 20h to 2Fh.
Pending interrupt bits and interrupt mask bits (i.e., Interrupt
Enable and Mask, IENAM, and IPEND Register bits), may
be cleared to 0 only when interrupts are disabled, i.e., the
PSR.I and/or PSR.E bits are 0. IENAM bits may be set at
any time.
The external interrupt inputs are asynchronous. They are
recognized by the PC87570 during clock cycles in which the
input setup and hold time requirements are satisfied. To use
an external interrupt that is shared with an I/O port, config-
ure the I/O port to its alternate function (see Table 2-5 on
page 27).
Table 9-2 shows the mapping of the ICU Maskable inter-
rupts to different functions. The interrupt mapping is fixed.
When interrupts from internal sources are used, the firm-
ware should program their types (edge/level and polarity)
according to the “type” field in Table 9-2. For Internal inter-
rupts, refer to the module which is the interrupt source for
information on mask bits and on the clear mechanism of lev-
el interrupts.
Edge/Level and Polarity Selection
Table 9-1. Interrupt Type Programming
Pending Interrupts
External Interrupt Inputs
Interrupt Assignment
Falling Edge
Rising Edge
High Level
Low Level

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