ADP315PC87570 National Semiconductor, ADP315PC87570 Datasheet - Page 94



Manufacturer Part Number
Keyboard and Power Management Controller
National Semiconductor
When a start bit is detected, data transmission begins by
outputting bit-0 (LSB) of the transmitted data and setting the
data bits WDAT1, WDAT2 and WDAT3 in the PSOSIG reg-
ister. This allows bit-0 of the transmitted data to be output
on the PS/2 data signal (PSDAT1, PSDAT2 or PSDAT3, ac-
cording to the active channel).
Hardware setting (1) the SOT bit and storing the active
channel number in the ACH field, indicates transmission of
the start bit in the PSTAT register. In addition, if PSIEN.SO-
TIE is set, then an interrupt signal to the ICU is set high. The
firmware may use this interrupt to start a time-out timer for
the data transfer.
Transmit Active
After identifying the start bit, the shift mechanism enters the
Transmit-Active state. The clock signal of the selected de-
vice (PSCLK1, PSCLK2 or PSCLK3) sets the data bit rate.
After each of the next seven falling edges of the clock line,
one more data bit (bits 1 through 7) is driven on the data line
of the active channel (either PSDAT1, PSDAT2 or
On the ninth falling edge of the clock, the parity bit is output.
The parity bit is high (1) if the number of bits with a value of
1 in the transmitted data was even (i.e., odd parity).
The tenth falling edge causes a ‘1’ to be output as a stop bit.
The data signal remains high to allow the PS/2 device to
send the line control bit.
The auxiliary device then completes the transfer by sending
the line-control bit. The line-control bit, is identified by the
data signal being low after the 11th falling edge of the clock.
End of Transmission
The End-Of-Transmission state is entered by detecting the
line-control bit. In response, the shift mechanism holds all
clock signals low and all data signals are pulled-high by the
internal pull-up if enabled.
The End-Of-Transaction flag (PSTAT.EOT) is set to indi-
cate that the transmit operation was completed, and, if the
PSIEN.EOTIE bit is set, then the interrupt signal to the ICU
is set high.
The shift mechanism stays at this state until being reset.
Figure 12-6 illustrates the transmit byte sequence as it is
defined by the PS/2 standard.
Start Bit
Figure 12-6. PS/2 Transmit Data Byte Timing
Bit 0
PS/2 Interface
Transfer Abort
At each stage of a receive or transmit operation, the trans-
action can be aborted by clearing all three channel enable
bits (CLK1-3) in the PS/2 Output Signal Register (PSOSIG)
to 0. This resets the shifter state machine and puts it in the
“enabled-inactive” state. If the shift mechanism is in Trans-
mit Inactive or Transmit Idle states, the WDAT1, WDAT2
and WDAT3 bits should also be set.
The shift mechanism is disabled when PSCON.EN is
cleared (0). In this state, the PS/2 clock and data signals are
controlled by the firmware, which performs the PS/2 proto-
col by manipulating the PS/2 clock and data signals.
12.4.1 Clock Signal Control
The CLK1, CLK2 and CLK3 bits in the PSOSIG register
control the value of the respective clock signals (PSCLK1,
PSCLK2 and PSCLK3). When cleared (0), the pin is held
low. When set (1), the open drain output is open and the re-
spective clock signal is either floating or held high by the
pull-up. In this case, an external device may force the re-
spective clock signal low.
When reading the PSISIG register, bits RCLK1, RCLK2 and
RCLK3 indicate the current state of the corresponding clock
12.4.2 Data Signal Control
The WDAT1, WDAT2 and WDAT3 bits in PSOSIG register
control the value of the respective data signals (PSDAT1,
PSDAT2 and PSDAT3). When cleared (0), the respective
data signal is held low. When set, the open drain output is
open and the respective data signal is held high by the pull-
up. In this case, if PSCON.WPUEN is set (1), an external
device may force the respective data signal low.
When reading the PSISIG, register bits RDAT1, RDAT2
and RDAT3 indicate the current state of the corresponding
data signal.
12.4.3 Interrupt Generation
When PSIEN.DSMIE bit is set (1), the clock input signals
are connected to the Interrupt Control Unit (ICU) for an in-
terrupt driven PS/2 protocol. The three interrupts that are
generated are PSINT1, PSINT2 and PSINT3 for channels
1, 2 and 3, respectively.
Parity Bit
Stop Bit

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