ad9380-pcbz Analog Devices, Inc., ad9380-pcbz Datasheet - Page 42



Manufacturer Part Number
Analog/hdmi Dual-display Interface
Analog Devices, Inc.
the HSYNC leading edge. If the VSYNC leading edge occurs in
Quadrant 2 or Quadrant 3, the field is set to 1 and the output
VSYNC leading edge is placed in the center of the line. In this
way, the VSYNC filter creates a predictable relative position
between HSYNC and VSYNC edges at the output.
If the VSYNC occurs near the HSYNC edge, this guarantees
that the VSYNC edge follows the HSYNC edge. This performs
filtering also in that it requires a minimum of 64 lines between
VSYNCs. The VSYNC filter cleans up extraneous pulses that
might occur on the VSYNC. This should be enabled whenever
the HSYNC/VSYNC count is used. Setting this bit to 0 disables
the VSYNC filter. Setting this bit to 1 enables the VSYNC filter.
Power-up default is 0.
0x21—Bit[4] VSYNC Duration Enable
This enables the VSYNC duration block which is designed to
be used with the VSYNC filter. 0 = leave the VSYNC output
duration unchanged. 1 = set the VSYNC output duration based
on Register 0x22. The power-up default is 0.
0x21—Bit[3] Auto-Offset Clamp Mode
This bit specifies if the auto-offset measurement takes place
during clamp or either 10 or 16 clocks afterward. The measure-
ment takes 6 clock cycles. 0 = auto offset measurement takes
place during clamp period. 1 = auto offset measurement is set
by 0x21, Bit 2. Default = 1.
0x21—Bit[2] Auto-Offset Clamp Length
This bit sets the delay following the end of the clamp period
for AO measurement. This bit is valid only if Register 0x21,
Bit 3 = 1. 0 = delay is 10 clock cycles. 1 = delay is 16 clock
cycles. Default = 1.
0x22—Bits[7:0] VSYNC Duration
This is used to set the output duration of the VSYNC, and is
designed to be used with the VSYNC filter. This is valid only if
Register 0x21, Bit 4 is set to 1. Power-up default is 4.
0x23—Bits[7:0] HSYNC Duration
An 8-bit register that sets the duration of the HSYNC output
pulse. The leading edge of the HSYNC output is triggered by
the internally generated, phase-adjusted PLL feedback clock.
The AD9380 then counts a number of pixel clocks equal to the
value in this register. This triggers the trailing edge of the
HSYNC output, which is also phase-adjusted. The power-up
default is 32.
0x24—Bit[7] HSYNC Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the HSYNC output. Setting this bit
to 0 sets the HSYNC output to active low. Setting this bit to 1
sets the HSYNC output to active high. Power-up default
setting is 1.
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0x24—Bit[6] VSYNC Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the VSYNC output (both DVI and
analog). Setting this bit to 0 sets the VSYNC output to active
low. Setting this bit to 1 sets the VSYNC output to active high.
Power-up default is 1.
0x24—Bit[5] Display Enable Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the display enable (DE) for both
DVI and analog. 0 = DE output polarity is negative. 1 = DE
output polarity is positive. The power-up default is 1.
0x24—Bit[4] Field Output Polarity (DVI and Analog)
This bit sets the polarity of the field output signal on Pin 21.
0 = active low = even field; active high = odd field. 1 = active
low = odd field; active high = even field. The power-up default
setting is 1.
0x24—Bit[3] SOG Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the SOGOUT signal (analog only).
0 = active low. 1 = active high. The power-up default setting is 1.
0x24—Bits[2:1] SOG Output Select
These register bits control the output on the SOGOUT pin.
Options are the raw SOG from the slicer (this is the unpro-
cessed SOG signal produced from the sync slicer), the raw
HSYNC, the regenerated sync from the sync filter, which can
generate missing syncs because of coasting or dropout, or the
filtered sync that excludes extraneous syncs not occurring with-
in the sync filter window. The power-up default setting is 11.
Table 16. SOGOUT Polarity Settings
0x24—Bit[0] Output Clock Invert
This bit allows inversion of the output clock as specified by
Register 0x25, Bit 7 to Bit 6. 0 = noninverted clock. 1 = inverted
clock. The power-up default setting is 0.
0x25—Bits[7:6] Output Clock Select
These bits select the clock output on the DATACK pin. They
include a 1/2× clock, a 2× clock, a 90° phase shifted clock, or
the normal pixel clock. The power-up default setting is 01.
Table 17. Output Clock Select
½× pixel clock
1× pixel clock
2× pixel clock
90° phase 1× pixel clock
Raw SOG from sync slicer (SOG0 or SOG1)
Regenerated sync from sync filter

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