CMOD232+ Maxim Integrated Products, CMOD232+ Datasheet - Page 22



Manufacturer Part Number
Maxim Integrated Products

Specifications of CMOD232+

Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Lead free / RoHS Compliant
1 = An interrupt event has occurred.
0 = No interrupt event has occurred.
ALERT is an alert flag that sets when an interrupt event
has occurred. The events that can be programmed to
set ALERT are as follows:
ALERT sets to 1 after an event occurs and remains set
until the status A register is read. GPIO configured as an
output can interrupt a µC on an ALERT event. GM(1:0) in
the GPIO register (register 0x3, bits B7 and B6) control
the output mode of GPIO. See the GPIO section for more
information on programming GPIO as an output.
1 = GPIO is high.
0 = GPIO is low.
SGPIO reports the status of GPIO at the time that status
A is read, regardless of whether GPIO is programmed
as an input or output. A change in state on SGPIO
causes ALERT to set to 1 when GPIO is configured as
an input and ISGPIO = 1 in the interrupt enable register
(register 0x4, bit B6).
Stereo Audio DAC with DirectDrive
Headphone Amplifier
Table 10. Status A (0x0) Read-Only, Bit
A change in state on SGPIO indicating a change in
levels at GPIO when GPIO is configured as an input.
Configure GPIO as an input and set ISGPIO = 1 in
the interrupt enable register (register 0x4, bit B6).
The internal PLL locks or unlocks with LRCLK. Set
ILCK = 1 in the interrupt enable register (register
0x4, bit B5).
A change in state on SHPS indicating headphones
have been connected or disconnected. Set ISHPS =
1 in the interrupt enable register (register 0x4, bit B4).
The headphone amplifier reaches its minimum vol-
ume. Set IVMN = 1 in the interrupt enable register
(register 0x4, bit B3).
An overload on either right or left headphone out-
puts (HPR, HPL). Set IIOH = 1 in the interrupt
enable register (register 0x4, bit B0).
Status Registers (0x0, 0x1)
Alert Flag (ALERT)
1 = The internal PLL is locked with LRCLK.
0 = The internal PLL is not locked with LRCLK.
LCK reports the lock status of the internal PLL at the
time that STATUS A is read. The DAC is disabled when
the PLL is not locked. When the PLL is locked with
LRCLK, the DAC will become operational if DACEN is
equal to 1 (register 0x5, bit B0). ALERT sets to 1 when
LCK changes state if ILCK = 1 in the interrupt enable
register (register 0x4, bit B5).
1 = HPS is high, indicating that headphones are con-
0 = HPS is low, indicating no headphone is connected.
SHPS reports the debounced status of HPS at the time
STATUS A is read. SHPS = 0 indicates that no head-
phone is connected and HPS is low. SHPS sets to 1 when
HPS is high, indicating headphones are connected.
ALERT sets to 1 when SHPS changes state, if ISHPS = 1
in the interrupt enable register (register 0x4, bit B4).
1 = Headphone volume has reached its minimum volume.
0 = Headphone volume is not at its minimum.
VMN sets to 1 when the minimum headphone amplifier
volume has been reached. ALERT sets to 1 when IVMN
= 1 in the interrupt enable register (register 0x4, bit B3).
1 = The left headphone output (HPL) has experienced
an overcurrent condition.
0 = The left headphone output (HPL) is operating normally.
IOHL sets to 1, when an overcurrent occurs on the left
headphone output HPL and remains set until status A is
read. ALERT sets to 1 when an overcurrent on the right
or left headphone output occurs if IIOH = 1 in the inter-
rupt enable register (register 0x4, bit B0).
1 = The right headphone output (HPR) has experi-
enced an overcurrent condition.
0 = The right headphone output (HPR) is operating normally.
IOHR sets to 1 and remains set until STATUS A is read.
ALERT sets to 1 when an overcurrent on the right or left
headphone output occurs if IIOH = 1 in the interrupt
enable register (register 0x4, bit B0).
Headphone Overcurrent Right (IOHR)
Headphone Overcurrent Left (IOHL)
Volume at Minimum (VMN)
PLL Lock Status (LCK)
HPS Status (SHPS)

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