M68ICS05P Freescale Semiconductor, M68ICS05P Datasheet



Manufacturer Part Number
Freescale Semiconductor

Specifications of M68ICS05P

Programmer, Power Supply, Assembler/Simulator/Debugger, Cable, Software and Documentation
For Use With/related Products
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Contains lead / RoHS non-compliant
February 1998
© MOTOROLA, Inc., 1998; All Rights Reserved

Related parts for M68ICS05P

M68ICS05P Summary of contents

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... M68ICS05P HC705P IN-CIRCUIT SIMULATOR OPERATOR’S MANUAL © MOTOROLA, Inc., 1998; All Rights Reserved M68ICS05POM/D February 1998 ...

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Important Notice to Users While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document, Motorola assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions or by statements ...

Page 3

... About This User’s Manual ..................................................................................................1-3 1.7 Quick Start Instructions.......................................................................................................1-4 CHAPTER 2 2.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Installing the M68ICS05P Pod............................................................................................2-1 CHAPTER 3 3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 The ICS05PW Software Components.................................................................................3-1 3.2.1 The WinIDE Editor ....................................................................................................3-1 3.2.2 CASM05W.................................................................................................................3-1 3 ...

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... Close/New Project....................................................................................................4-19 4.10.5 Setup Environment . . ..............................................................................................4-19 The General Environment Tab ........................................................................4-20 General Editor Tab ..........................................................................................4-22 Assembler/Compiler Tab ................................................................................4-23 Executable 1 (Debugger) and Executable 2 (Programmer) Tab......................4-28 4.10.6 Setup Fonts ...............................................................................................................4-29 iv THE WinIDE USER INTERFACE (continued) M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Assembler Directives ..........................................................................................................5-8 5.6.1 BASE ..................................................................................................................5-8 5.6.2 Cycle Adder................................................................................................................5-8 5.6.3 Conditional Assembly ..............................................................................................5-10 5.6.4 Include ................................................................................................................5-10 5.6.5 Macro ................................................................................................................5-11 5.7 Listing Directives ..............................................................................................................5-12 5.7.1 Listing Files ..............................................................................................................5-12 5.7.2 Labels ................................................................................................................5-14 M68ICS05POM/D THE WinIDE USER INTERFACE (continued) ASSEMBLER INTERFACE CONTENTS v ...

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... Chip Window ................................................................................................................6-17 6.10.1 Reading Values in the Chip Window .......................................................................6-17 6.10.2 Chip Window Keyboard Commands .......................................................................6-17 6.11 Cycles Window ................................................................................................................6-18 6.12 Stack Window ................................................................................................................6-18 6.12.1 Interrupt Stack ..........................................................................................................6-18 6.12.2 Subroutine Stack ......................................................................................................6-19 vi ASSEMBLER INTERFACE (continued) ICS05PW SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Change Colors ..........................................................................................................6-35 6.22.3 Reload Desktop ........................................................................................................6-35 6.22.4 Save Desktop............................................................................................................6-35 CHAPTER 7 7.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................7-1 7.2 ICS05PW Command Syntax ...............................................................................................7-2 7.3 Command-Set Summary .....................................................................................................7-3 7.3.1 Argument Types .........................................................................................................7-3 7.3.2 Command Summary...................................................................................................7-4 7.4 Command Descriptions .......................................................................................................7-9 M68ICS05POM/D ICS05PW DEBUGGING COMMAND SET CONTENTS vii ...

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... B.2 Functional Description Of The Kit..................................................................................... B-1 B.2.1 The Emulator............................................................................................................. B-1 B.2.2 Programming ............................................................................................................. B-2 B.3 Troubleshooting The Quick Start ....................................................................................... B-2 B.4 Troubleshooting The Programmer ..................................................................................... B-4 B.5 Schematic Diagram And Parts List .................................................................................... B-5 viii EXAMPLE PROJECT S-RECORD INFORMATION SUPPORT INFORMATION GLOSSARY INDEX M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Cascaded ................................................................4-34 4-25. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Tiled.......................................................................4-34 4-26. WinIDE with One Source Window Displayed and Remaining Windows Minimized .....4-35 4-27. The WinIDE Editor with Subordinate Windows Minimized............................................4-35 4-28. Split Pointer and Bar .........................................................................................................4-36 M68ICS05POM/D FIGURES CONTENTS ix ...

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... Specify MACRO File to Execute Dialog ...........................................................................6-29 6-29. Specify MACRO File to Record Dialog ............................................................................6-29 6-30. Specify Output LOG File Dialog.......................................................................................6-30 6-31. Logfile Already Exists Dialog ...........................................................................................6-30 6-32. A Sample Output Log File ................................................................................................6-31 6-33. ICS05PW Execute Menu ..................................................................................................6-32 x FIGURES (continued) M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Pick Device Dialog..............................................................................................................7-26 7-3. Modify Memory Dialog .......................................................................................................7-59 7-4. PROG05P Programmer Pick Window................................................................................7-67 8-1. CASM05W Window.............................................................................................................8-4 B-1. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram (Sheet 1 of 2).................................................................. B-6 B-2. M68ICS05P Schematic Diagram (Sheet 2 of 2).................................................................. B-7 1-1. M68ICS05P Specifications ...................................................................................................1-3 3-1. The ICS05PW Software Files ...............................................................................................3-3 4-2 ...

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... A-1. S-Record Fields................................................................................................................... A-1 A-2. S-Record Field Contents ..................................................................................................... A-2 A-3. S-Record Types ................................................................................................................... A-3 A-4. S0 Header Record ............................................................................................................... A-4 A-5. S1 Header Record ............................................................................................................... A-5 A-6. S-9 Header Record .............................................................................................................. A-6 B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List......................................................................................................... B-8 B-1. M68ICS05P Parts List (continued) ..................................................................................... B-9 xii TABLES (continued) M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... OVERVIEW This chapter is an overview of the M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator Kit components and a Quick Start guide to setting up a development project. The Motorola M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator Kit is a development toolkit for designers who develop and debug target systems that incorporate M68HC705P6/P9 Microcontroller Unit (MCU) devices ...

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... Approximately 640 Kb of memory (RAM) and 2 Mb free drive space. A serial port for communications between the M68ICS05P and the host computer. 1.4 TOOLKIT FEATURES The M68ICS05P toolkit is a low-cost development system that supports in-circuit simulation. Its features include: Software and in-circuit simulation of M68HC705P6/P9 MCUs ...

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... Characteristic Temperature: Operating Storage Relative humidity Power requirement Dimensions 1.6 ABOUT THIS USER’S MANUAL This manual covers the M68ICS05P software, hardware, and reference information as follows: Chapter 2 Pod Installation Chapter 3 Loading and Initializing the ICS05PW Software Chapter 4 WinIDE User Interface Chapter 5 ...

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... Typical Install option to install the files to your hard disk, or choose the Compact Install option to copy the files onto another diskette. Connect the M68ICS05P pod: connect the M68ICS05P pod to the host PC’s serial port using the included cable. Plug the cable into the pod connector P2. ...

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... Run the ICS05PW simulator: With a project or source file open in the WinIDE main window, click the Debugger (EXE1) button (Figure 1-3) on the WinIDE toolbar to start the ICS05PW debugger and debug the contents of the active source window. M68ICS05POM/D INTRODUCTION 1-5 ...

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... WinIDE toolbar to assemble the source code in the active WinIDE window. Additional information about the CASM05W assembler can be found in Chapter 5. Figure 1-4. The WinIDE Assemble/Compile File Toolbar Button If you experience problems with the Quick Start procedures, refer to paragraph B.3 for troubleshooting instructions. 1-6 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... This chapter explains how to install the hardware components of the M68ICS05P in-circuit simulator on your host PC in both interactive and standalone modes. When the M68ICS05P pod is connected to the serial port of a host PC, you can use the actual inputs and outputs of your target system during simulation of your source code. When the pod is not connected to the PC, you can use the ICS05PW software as a standalone simulator ...

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... Because the WinIDE editor is modular, you may, for example, choose to substitute a third party C-compiler or other assembler for the CASM05W cross assembler provided in the toolkit. 3.2.2 CASM05W The CASM05W is a cross assembler that creates Motorola S19 object files and MAP files from assembly files containing 68HC05 instructions. M68ICS05POM/D SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND INITIALIZATION CHAPTER 3 3-1 ...

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... Insert the ICS05PW diskette into the 3.5-inch disk drive. For Windows 3.x: in the Program Manager, select Run from the File menu. For Windows 95: from the Start Menu, select the Run option the Run dialog, enter Setup (or click the Browse button to select a different drive and/or directory) and press OK. 3-2 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... COM port, the Can’t Contact Board dialog appears, with options for changing the COM port or baud rate and retrying the connection, or choosing to run the simulator in standalone mode (with no input or output from the pod). M68ICS05POM/D SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND INITIALIZATION NOTE ...

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... The first time you attempt to connect to the pod after installing the ICS05PW software, the software asks you to select chip from the Pick Device dialog (Figure 3-1): To open the Pick Device dialog, enter the CHIPMODE command in the ICS05PW Status Window command line. 3-4 NOTE Figure 3-1. The Pick Device Dialog . M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... The Windows Integrated Development Environment (the WinIDE editor graphical interface for editing, compiling, assembling, and debugging source code for embedded systems using the M68ICS05P In-Circuit Simulator. The WinIDE interface consists of standard Windows title and menu bars, a WinIDE toolbar, a main window containing any open source or project file windows, and a status bar. The WinIDE components are labeled in Figure 4-1 and described in paragraph 4 ...

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... Toolbar: The WinIDE toolbar appears just below the menu bar and contains shortcut buttons for frequently used menu options. Main Window: The main window area is the inside portion of the main window which contains the open subordinate windows that you can resize, reposition, minimize, or maximize using standard Windows techniques or Window menu options. 4-2 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... ICS05PW software must be installed in the host computer. Remember that for the M68ICS05P to run in simulation mode, the asynchronous communications cable must connect the M68ICS05P pod on the platform board to the host computer, and the power to the M68ICS05P pod must be on. 4.4.2 Starting the WinIDE Editor To start the editor, select the WinIDE icon by double-clicking the ICS05PW Program Group icon in the Windows 3 ...

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... To move between the WinIDE editor and the ICS05PW simulator: From the WinIDE editor, click the External Program 1 toolbar button to the in-circuit simulator or the application which you have specified as the debugger or other external program to use. From ICS05PW, click the Back to Editor toolbar button editor. 4-4 to switch to toggle back to the M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Click the Toggle Marker 0-9 option to open the list of markers. 4. Click once on the marker to toggle. When the marker number is checked toggled on; when the marker number is unchecked toggled off. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-3. Edit Shortcut Menu WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-5 ...

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... Although default the currently edited filename that is used in the %FILE% parameter substitution, the environment can be configured always to pass the same filename. Do this by checking the Main File option in the Environment Settings dialog’s General Options tab. This 4-6 Figure 4-4. Marker Sub-menu Parameters passed to program MYPDA.ASM MYPDA.S19 1 @2 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... A tooltip or label pops up when the mouse button lingers over a toolbar button, identifying the button’s function. Table 4-1 identifies and describes the WinIDE toolbar buttons. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-5. WinIDE Toolbar WinIDE USER INTERFACE ...

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... Save the file in the active source window (this button is a shortcut for the File - Save menu option). Save the active project (this button is a shortcut for the Environment - Save Project menu option). Close the active source window (this button is a shortcut for the File - Close menu option). M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Undo Redo Cut Copy Paste Delete Select All M68ICS05POM/D Description Open a new file window ("No name") Display the Open File . . . dialog to choose a file to open Save the current file Open the Save dialog to choose a directory and filename in which to save the current file Close the current file Open the Print ...

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... Arrange minimized window icons along the bottom edge of the main window Minimize all open windows Toggle a split window in the active file Itemize the open and minimized windows by name in order of opening Opens the WinIDE Help Contents Page of the Help File Displays the WinIDE About Window M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... WinIDE editor prompts you for a new filename. This new filename replaces the [NONAME#] in the title bar. Alternatives: Type Ctrl + N or click the New toolbar button. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the File - New File menu option. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-6. File Menu WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-11 ...

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... Alternatives: Type Ctrl + S or click the Save button on the toolbar. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the File - Save File menu option. 4-12 Figure 4-7. Open File Dialog M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... The Print dialog for your operating system and printer capabilities opens for you to choose Print range, Print quality, and open the Print Setup dialog to change printer settings. The Print option is active when at least one source window is open. The WinIDE editor disables the option if no window is open. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-8. Print Dialog NOTE WinIDE USER INTERFACE ...

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... Reversible actions are local to each source window. Commands that are not reversible do not contribute to the undo stack. You cannot, for example, undo the command to open a new window using the Undo command. Alternatives: Type Ctrl + Z. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Undo menu option. 4-14 Figure 4-9. Edit Menu M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Choose Cut from the Edit menu to cut the currently selected text from the active source window and place it on the system clipboard. The Cut option is active only when you have selected text in the active source window. Alternative: Type Ctrl + X. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Edit - Cut menu option. M68ICS05POM/D WinIDE USER INTERFACE NOTE NOTE 4-15 ...

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... Environment settings represent the current environment and configuration information for the WinIDE editor. These settings are stored in the WINIDE.INI file, from which they are loaded each time you start the editor, and saved each time you exit from the editor. 4-16 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Click on the option to execute. Project files have the extension .PPF; they store two kinds of information: Environment Settings: User settings and WinIDE configuration parameters Desktop Information Open edit windows, size and location, markers M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-10. Environment Menu WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-17 ...

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... Figure 4-12. Specify project file to save Dialog 1. Enter the project name in the File name: text box or select the project name from the list box below. 2. Press the OK button to open the new project file (or press the Cancel button to close the dialog without opening a file). 4-18 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... The Environment Settings dialog contains five tabs: General Environment General Editor Assembler/Compiler EXE 1 (Debugger) EXE 2 (Programmer) In the Environment Settings tabs, you can choose options by marking option buttons (sometimes called radio buttons), check boxes, and entering information in text boxes. M68ICS05POM/D WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-19 ...

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... Exit option from the File menu. Saving the Project Also save all open editor files: Select this option to save all open editor files whenever you save the project file. If you do not select this option, 4-20 General Environment Tab NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... If you do not select this option, the external program runs without asking for your confirmation. The result may be that an external program runs while modified files exist in the editing environment, a circumstance that may be undesirable and lead to incorrect results. M68ICS05POM/D WinIDE USER INTERFACE NOTE 4-21 ...

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... Word Wrap Wrap to Window: Select this option to have the cursor to wrap to the left when it reaches the far right side of the window. This lets you see all the text 4-22 NOTE: General Editor Tab M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Click the Assembler/Compiler tab heading in the Environment Settings dialog (Figure 4-15) to bring the tab to the front. Use the options on this tab to change the settings and parameters for the assembler or compiler path and type, and specify output, listing, and assembly preferences. M68ICS05POM/D WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-23 ...

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... Output Listing File: Select this option to have the assembler produce a listing file. The listing file shows the source code as well as the object codes that were produced from the assembler. Listing files are useful for debugging, as 4-24 Assembler/Compiler Tab M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... WinIDE editor. If you do not save the file before assembling it, the assembler will assemble the last saved version. In general, you should leave this option checked. Sound Bell on Error: Select this option to have the assembler beep if it encounters an error. M68ICS05POM/D run the assembler. This ...

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... WinIDE editor. If the file being assembled isn’t saved, the assembler or compiler will assemble the last saved version. For this reason, you should leave this option checked. 4-26 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Once the environment reads this error file, the WinIDE editor displays the results, and the deletes the error file. If you want to keep a copy of the file, you must add such instructions to the batch file. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-16. Error Format List > ERROR.TXT ...

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... You may add a filename using the %FILE% string. The %FILE% string inserts either the currently active filename, or the filename specified by the %FILE% parameter, set in the %FILE% parameters to pass to external programs field in the General Environment tab. 4-28 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Front Style list. Size: The Size text box displays the current font size. To change the size, enter a new number in the text box or choose a font size from the list. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-18. Setup Fonts Dialog WinIDE USER INTERFACE ...

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... This section describes the WinIDE Search menu options for specifying search criteria and entering a line number source file. To perform a search operation, click once on the Search menu to open the menu (Figure 4-19). Click on the option to execute. 4-30 Figure 4-19. Search Menu M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... The Find window is modeless and can remain open, allowing you to interact with either the Find dialog or the source window. Alternatives: Press Ctrl + F. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Search - Find . . . menu option. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-20. Find Dialog NOTE WinIDE USER INTERFACE ...

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... Select the Find Next option from the Search menu to find the next occurrence of the previous search string without displaying the Find dialog. Alternatives: Press F3. This is the keyboard equivalent to selecting the Search - Find Next menu option. 4-32 Figure 4-21. Replace Dialog M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... This section describes the WinIDE Window menu options for managing the arrangement of open client windows in the main WinIDE window. To perform a Window operation, click once on the Window menu to open the menu (Figure 4-23). Click on the option to execute. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-23. The Window Menu WinIDE USER INTERFACE 4-33 ...

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... Figure 4-25. WinIDE with Subordinate Windows Tiled If the contents of a source window cannot be displayed in their entirety, use the scroll bars. The tiled arrangement is practical to use when cutting and pasting from one window to another. 4-34 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Select the Minimize All option from the Window menu to minimize all open source windows and display them as icons at the bottom of the WinIDE main window (Figure 4-27). Figure 4-27. The WinIDE Editor with Subordinate Windows Minimized M68ICS05POM/D Figure 4-26. WinIDE WinIDE USER INTERFACE ...

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... Adjust the relative size of the panes by dragging the split bar, a double horizontal line separating the panes. Position the pointer over the split bar until it changes to the split pointer (Figure 4-28). 4-36 Split Pointer Split Bar Figure 4-28. Split Pointer and Bar M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Listing files show the original source code, or mnemonics, including comments, as well as the object code translation. You can use this listing during the debugging phase of the development project. It also provides a basis for documenting the program. M68ICS05POM/D CHAPTER 5 ASSEMBLER INTERFACE ASSEMBLER INTERFACE ...

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... Current File: the path and filename of the current file being assembled Status: the assembler status as the assembly proceeds Current Line: the current line position of the assembler Total Lines: the total number of lines in the file being assembled with CASM05W Assembler Window Displayed 5-2 Figure 5-1. WinIDE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... In general, use the path to the program and its executable file name as the command line entry. You may also add optional command-line switches or parameters and the name of a specific file to run. M68ICS05POM/D ASSEMBLER INTERFACE Enter command line parameters ...

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... If you specify multiple parameters, separate them by spaces. You can enter the parameters in any order. All parameters default to off. Filename: Required parameter specifying the pathname and filename of the CASM05W assembler executable S: Optional parameter to general Motorola .S19 S-Record object file L: Optional parameter to general an .LST listing file 5-4 M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 65

... P&E Microcomputer products (such as the MMDS and the MMEVS) use these map files during the source-level debugging process. Map files contain the directory path information under which they are created, and cannot, therefore, be moved to a new directory. If you must use the map file from a different directory, M68ICS05POM/D ASSEMBLER INTERFACE 5-5 ...

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... The CASM05W assembler supports all Motorola opcode mnemonics in the command set. For descriptions of the debugging commands, see Chapter 7, ICS05PW Debugging Command Set. Opcodes mnemonics cannot start in column one label begins the line, there must be at least one space between the label and the opcode. 5-6 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... A character ASCII constant has an equivalent value: ‘A’ is the same as 41H. An example of a string constant is: db “this is a string” Table 5-1. Change Base Prefixes/Suffixes M68ICS05POM/D ;start is a previously defined label ;jump to location start + 3 ;jump to location start divided by 4 Base ...

Page 68

... The cycle adder starts a running total of instruction cycles as subsequent instructions are assembled. For instructions that have variables numbers of instruction cycles, the cycle adder uses the smallest number. When the assembler encounters the CYCLE_ADDER_OFF directive, it writes the current cycle- adder value to the .LST file and disables the cycle adder. 5-8 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... If the parameter value is false, code between IF and ELSEIF will not be assembled, but code between ELSEIF and ENDIF will be assembled. ELSEIF gives the same alternative arrangement to a directive sequence that begins with IFNOT. ENDIF See IF, IFNOT, ELSEIF M68ICS05POM/D ASSEMBLER INTERFACE Action Action 5-9 ...

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... You may nest included to a maximum depth of 10, that is, each included file may contain additional included files. Examples $INCLUDE “INIT.ASM” $INCLUDE “C:\project\init.asm*" 5-10 ;sets debug = true ;sets test = false ;always assembles ;always assembles ;if debug = true ;assembles ;if debug = false ;does not assemble ;always assembles ;always assembles ;if test = true ;does not assemble M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Labels change automatically each time they are used. Labels used within macros may not be longer than 10 characters, because the assembler appends a four-digit hexadecimal number to the label to insure label uniqueness. M68ICS05POM/D ;starts macro definition ;divides accumulator by 2 ;divides quotient by 2 ...

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... Environment Settings dialog, the listing file (.LST) is created during the assembly. This listing file has the same name as the file being assembled, but with the extension .LST. Any existing file with the same name will be overwritten. 5-12 Table 5-3. Listing Directives Action M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Source The last field contains the actual source code from the source code file. code Listing The listing table provides a summary of every label and its value, displayed in table table format at the end of each listing file. M68ICS05POM/D [CC] VVVVVVVV LLLL Source Code . . . . [05] 1608 37 ...

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... Labels within macros must not exceed 10 characters in length. Examples: Label: ThisIsALabel: Loop_1 This_label_is_much_too_long: The assembler would truncate the last example to 16 characters. 5-14 porta equ $0000 portb equ $0001 portc equ $0002 portd equ $0003 ddra equ $0004 ddrb equ $0005 ddrc equ $0006 ddrd equ $0007 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... On the second pass, the assembler generates the listing file and/or the S-record object file, as specified in the command line parameters for the assembler. This two-pass arrangement allows the programmer to reference labels that are defined later in the program. M68ICS05POM/D ASSEMBLER INTERFACE Action 5-15 ...

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... It is good practice to also specify interrupt vectors, even if you do not expect to use interrupts. 5.8.5 Reserve Memory Byte (RMB) Use this assembler directive to set aside space in RAM for program variables. The RMB directive does not generate any object code, but it normally generates an entry in the assembler’s internal cross-reference table. 5-16 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... A label in the macro has 11 or more long characters. MACRO The macro did not receive sufficient parameter error parameter values. M68ICS05POM/D Probable Cause ASSEMBLER INTERFACE Corrective Action Declare the variable using the SET or SETNOT directive. Change the label to one not used already. ...

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... Limit conditional variables fewer. Create a file that consists only of an INCLUDE directive, which specifies your primary file. Assembling this file leaves the maximum memory available to the assembler. Declare the label. Correct the opcode or make it consistent with parameters. Insert the closing brace. M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Remember that assembler directives must begin with the character $, /,., or #, and must start in column necessary, use the BASE directive to change the default base for operands (CASM05W defaults to hexadecimal). M68ICS05POM/D ASSEMBLER INTERFACE 5-19 ...

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... Windows 3.x and Windows 95. The ICS05PW can get inputs and outputs (I/O) for the target device from an external pod, the M68ICS05P board, that is attached to the host computer. If you want to use actual inputs and outputs (I/O) from your own target board, you may attach the M68ICS05P board to your target board using the supplied extension cable ...

Page 82

... Project Files: Project files store two types of information: Desktop information includes all the information stored concerning the files that are currently open in the project. Whenever you save the project file, WinIDE records information about each window open in the desktop, including: Window size Window position 6-2 M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... CASMW window. Depending on the environment settings, the assembler may also open the file in which the error was encountered, and create an error file with the assembly filename and the .ERR extension. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE NOTE 6-3 ...

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... CC field will show the best case (lowest number). Hexadecimal digits (the number of which depends on the actual opcode) representing values put into that memory address. Line count. The actual source code M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... After startup, the software will establish communication with the board at the given parameters and the status bar will read Attempting to contact COM 1. If the ICS05PW software can communicate with the pod through the serial port, the status bar message reads, Contact with pod established. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-5 ...

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... Device (chip). If you want to open this dialog and change the device later, enter the CHIPMODE command in the ICS05PW Status Window command line file named STARTUP.05P exists in the current directory, the WinIDE runs macro file on startup. See the MACRO command for more information. 6-6 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Code windows also give visual positions of the current program counter (PC) and all breakpoints within the source code. You can display both code windows simultaneously. Each code window is independent: you can configure each window to display different parts of your source code, or different assembly modes. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-7 ...

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... Set PC at Cursor: Choose this option to set the Program Counter (PC) to the current cursor location. Gotil Address at Cursor: Choose this option to execute the source code until the Program Counter (PC) gets to the line at the current cursor location. When PC gets to that point, execution stops. 6-8 with Breakpoint Toggled M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Press the Page Up key to scroll the Code Window up one page. Press the Page Down key to scroll the Code Window down one page. Press the F1 key to show the Help Contents topic. Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status Window. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-9 ...

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... Select the variable type (size) and base. You may enter values for commands in the simulator as either labels (which you have defined in the map file or with the SYMBOL command numbers. You may 6-10 Figure 6-6. Variables Window with Shortcut Menu Figure 6-7. Add Variable Dialog M68ICS05POM/D ...

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... Clear All: Choose this option to clear all variables in the current variable list. 6.6.3 Variable Window Keyboard Commands Use these keys to navigate in the Variable Window: Press the Insert key to add a variable. Press the Delete key to delete a variable. M68ICS05POM/D Base Prefixes Suffixes 16 ‘$’ ...

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... Use these keys to navigate in the Memory Window: Press the Up Arrow ( ) to scroll the Memory Window up one line. Press the Down Arrow ( ) to scroll the Memory Window down one line. Press the Home key to scroll the Memory Window to memory address $0000. 6-12 Figure 6-8. Memory Window with Shortcut Menu M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 93

... Press the End key to scroll the window to the last status line. Press the Page Up key to scroll the window up one page. Press the Page Down key to scroll the window down one page. Press the F1 key to display the Help Contents topic. M68ICS05POM/D Command Line Figure 6-9. Status Window ...

Page 94

... Cancel to close the dialog without opening the logfile. Figure 6-12. The Logfile Already Exists Message Status window messages are added to the logfile while logging is enabled. To end logging, choose the End Logfile option from the ICS05PW File menu or enter the LF command in the ICS05PW Status window command line. 6-14 M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 95

... To change the CPU accumulator (ACCA), index register (XREG), and program counter (PC) values from the CPU window, click on the value and enter the new value in the dialog. Press OK to close the dialog and save the new value. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-15 ...

Page 96

... SP value, use the shortcut menu. 6.9.2 CPU Window Keyboard Commands Use these keyboard commands to navigate in the CPU Window: Press the F1 key to shows the Help Contents topics. Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status Window. 6-16 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 97

... Chip Window Keyboard Commands Use these keyboard commands to navigate in the Chip Window: Press the F1 key to shows the Help Contents topics. Press the Escape (Esc) key to move the cursor to the command line of the Status Window. M68ICS05POM/D Figure 6-15. Chip Window SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-17 ...

Page 98

... CPU results if a RTI or RTS instruction is executed at that time. To display the stack window, enter the STACK command in the ICS05PW Status Window command line. 6.12.1 Interrupt Stack During an interrupt, the Stack window displays: The interrupt stack 6-18 Figure 6-16. Cycles Window Figure 6-17. Stack Window M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 99

... When the trace window displays instructions, it disassembles instructions at the addresses stored in the trace buffer. For this reason, the tracing function cannot be used for self- modifying code buffer slot does not have an address stored in it, the trace window displays M68ICS05POM/D NOTE Figure 6-18. Trace Window ...

Page 100

... In the Edit Breakpoint dialog (Figure 6-20), enter the address for the new breakpoint in the Address text box. Press the OK button to close the dialog and save the new breakpoint. Figure 6-20. Edit Breakpoint Dialog 6-20 Figure 6-19. Breakpoint Window with Shortcut Menu M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 101

... Delete Breakpoint menu option. Press the Delete key, to remove the selected breakpoint from the breakpoint list. Press the OK button to close the Breakpoint Window and store the changes (or press Cancel to close the window without saving the changes). M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-21 ...

Page 102

... PROGRAMMER WINDOWS Use the Programmer Windows to enter or display programming information and to choose the files to upload or download. Programming software in the PC controls the M68ICS05P pod programming socket (U2), and sends RESET, CLOCK, DATA, and other control signals to the pod by means of the serial connection. ...

Page 103

... I/O, timer, and COP Watchdog Timer). You can view the registers, modify values, and store results in memory. Figure 6-24. The WinReg Window with Typical Register File Information M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-23 ...

Page 104

... The ICS05PW Toolbar (Figure 6-25) provides a number of convenient shortcut buttons that duplicate the function of the most frequently used menu options. A tooltip or label pops up when the mouse button lingers over a toolbar button, identifying the button’s function. Table 6-2 identifies and describes the WinIDE toolbar buttons. 6-24 Figure 6-25. WinIDE Toolbar M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 105

... Go Stop Play Macro Record Macro Stop Macro Function Open Logfile Close Logfile M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE Button Function Return to the WinIDE editor. Open the Specify S19 File to Load dialog to choose an S19 file. Reload the last (most currently loaded) S19 file. Simulate a reset of the MCU and sets the program counter (PC) to the contents of the reset vector (does not start execution of user code) ...

Page 106

... Close the ICS05PW simulator. Reset the emulation MCU and program counter to the contents of the reset vector. Execute the STEP command. Execute the STEPFOR command. Execute the GO command. Stop code execution. Repeat the last command entered in the Status Window command line. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 107

... To perform a File operation, click once on the File menu (Figure 6-26) title to open the menu. Click on the option to execute. The following topics describe and explain the ICS05PW File operations and dialogs. M68ICS05POM/D Description Toggles the Code 1 Window open/closed. Toggles the Code 2 Window open/closed. ...

Page 108

... S19 or .MAP file to open in the Debugger main window. Follow the procedure for loading an S19 file (above). Alternatives: Press the F3 function key or click the Reload Current S19 toolbar button. These are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Reload Last S19 menu option. 6-28 M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 109

... File - Play Macro menu option. Alternatives: Press the Ctrl + M key combination or click the Record Macro toolbar button These are the keyboard equivalents to choosing the File - Record Macro menu option. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-29 ...

Page 110

... Cancel the Open Logfile command without saving logging information Figure 6-31. Logfile Already Exists Dialog The open log file does not appear in the Debugger window. To enable logging in a currently active logfile, you must execute the LF (Log File) command as well, otherwise no logging occurs in the open log file. 6-30 M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 111

... Exit Choose Exit from the File menu to close the Debugger application. Alternative: Type Ctrl + X to exit the Debugger application and close the subordinate and main windows. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the File - Exit menu option. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-31 ...

Page 112

... Step command executes a single instruction, beginning at the current program counter (PC) address value. The Step command does not execute instructions in real-time, so timer values cannot be tested using this command. Alternative: Press the F5 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the Execute - Step menu option. 6-32 NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 113

... Choose Repeat Command from the Execute menu to repeat the execution of the last command entered in the Status Window command line. Alternative: Press the F9 function key. This is the keyboard equivalent to choosing the Execute - Repeat Command menu option. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE NOTE 6-33 ...

Page 114

... For example, Figure 6-35 indicates that all ICS05PW windows are open except Code 1. To open the Code 1 window, click on the Code 1 option. To close the Chip Window, click on the Chip option to remove the check and close the window. 6-34 Figure 6-34. Window Menu M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 115

... Save Desktop Choose Save Desktop from the Windows menu to save the current configuration of the desktop, the position and size of the windows in the ICS05PW simulator. M68ICS05POM/D SIMULATOR USER INTERFACE 6-35 ...

Page 116


Page 117

... Detailed descriptions of the commands, with example usage The ICS05PW simulator command set consists of commands for simulating, debugging, analyzing, and programming microcontroller programs. Use the commands to: Initialize emulation memory Display and store data Debug user code Control the flow of code execution M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET CHAPTER 7 7-1 ...

Page 118

... In command syntax descriptions brackets enclose optional items vertical line means or, ... an ellipsis means that you can repeat the preceding item parentheses enclose items only for syntactical purposes Except where otherwise noted, numerical values in debugging command examples are hexadecimal. 7-2 M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 119

... Operator <op> M68ICS05POM/D Table 7-1. Argument Types Explanation Hexadecimal values, unless otherwise noted. For decimal values, use the prefix ! or the suffix T. For binary values, use the prefix % or the suffix Q. Example !100 = 100T = %1100100 = 1100100Q. ...

Page 120

... CHIPMODE Set chip for simulation CLEARMAP Remove the current MAP file from memory. CLEARSYMBOL Remove all user-defined symbols from memory. COLORS Set simulator colors CY Change the value of the cycles counter. CYCLES Change the value of the cycles counter. 7-4 Description M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 121

... Display information about the line highlighted in the source window. INPUTA Set the simulated inputs to Port A. INPUTB Set the simulated inputs to Port B. INPUTS Show the simulated input values to Port A and B. INT View or assign the state value of the MCU IRQ pin. (Identical to the IRQ command.) M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Description 7-5 ...

Page 122

... CLEARMAP command.) NOSYMBOL Remove all user-defined symbols from memory; symbols defined in a loaded MAP file are not affected by the NOSYMBOL command. PC Assign the specified value to the MCU program counter. 7-6 Description M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 123

... Save the desktop settings for the ICS05PW program when it is first opened or for use with the LOADDESK command. SCRIPT Execute a macro file containing debug command sequences. (Identical to the MACRO command.) SHOW Display the contents of memory locations in the Memory Window beginning at the specified address. (Identical to the MD command.) M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Description 7-7 ...

Page 124

... SYMBOL View current or create new symbols. SYSINFO Show the amount of system memory available to the ICS05PW and the largest memory block available. T Step through a specified number of assembly instructions, starting at the current PC address, then halt. (Identical to the ST or STEP commands.) 7-8 Description M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 125

... Set the X register to the specified value and display in the CPU Window. (Identical to the X command.) Z Toggle the Z bit in the CCR. 7.4 COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS The following sections, which are arranged alphabetically by command name, describe the commands in detail. M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Description 7-9 ...

Page 126

... The ACC command sets the accumulator to a specified value. The value entered with the command is shown in the CPU window. The ACC and A commands are identical. Syntax: ACC <n> where: <n> The value to be loaded into the accumulator. Example 7-10 Set Accumulator Value Set the accumulator to $10. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 127

... The Assembly Window appears as shown on the left of Figure 7-1; the Assembly Window with the ASM command and no argument is shown on the right). Figure 7-1. Assembly Window Showing ASM Command with Argument (left), without Argument (right) M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Assemble Instructions 7-11 ...

Page 128

... The BELL command sounds the PC bell the specified number of times. If you enter no argument, the bell sounds once. To turn off the bell sounding, press any key. Syntax: BELL [<n>] where: <n> The number of times to sound the bell. Example: BELL 3 7-12 Ring PC bell 3 times. Sound PC Bell M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 129

... If the word variant (.W) is used , then <n> must be a 16-bit value. If the long variant (.L) is used , then <n> must be a 32-bit value. Examples BF.W 300 31F 4143 M68ICS05POM/D Store FF in bytes at addresses C0-CF. Store word value 4143 at addresses 300-31F. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Block Fill Memory ...

Page 130

... Select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor option. If there is no current breakpoint set at this line of code, a breakpoint will be set. If there is a current breakpoint set at this line of code, the breakpoint will be removed. To remove all breakpoints: Enter the NOBR command in the Status Window command line. 7-14 Set Instruction Breakpoint NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 131

... Break after value: code execution passes through the breakpoint n- 1 times, then breaks the nth time it arrives at the breakpoint. Examples: BR 300 BR 330 8 M68ICS05POM/D ;set a breakpoint Set a breakpoint at address 300 Set a breakpoint at address 330, break on eighth arrival at 330. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET ...

Page 132

... Position the cursor on that address in the code window, then press the right mouse button, and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item. Syntax: BREAKA [<n> [<address>]] where: <n> Accumulator value that triggers a break in execution. <address> Optional address for the break in execution (provided that the accumulator value equals n). 7-16 Set Accumulator Breakpoint NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 133

... BREAKA Examples: BREAKA 55 BREAKA BREAKA 55 300 M68ICS05POM/D Break execution when the accumulator value equals 55. Cancel the accumulator breakpoint. Break execution at address 300 if accumulator value equals 55. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET (continued) 7-17 ...

Page 134

... If you enter the BREAKSP command with an address value, you may clear the stack pointer breakpoint by one of these methods: Enter the NOBR command Position the cursor on that address in the code window, then press the right mouse button, and select Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item. 7-18 Set Stack Pointer Breakpoint NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 135

... Optional address for the break in execution (when that the stack pointer value equals n). Examples: BREAKSP E0 BREAKSP BREAKSP E0 300 M68ICS05POM/D Break execution when the stack pointer (SP) value equals E0. Cancel the SP breakpoint. Break execution at address 300 if SP value equals E0. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET (continued) ...

Page 136

... Toggle Breakpoint at Cursor menu item. Syntax: BREAKX [<n> [<address>]] where: <n> Index register value that triggers a break in execution. <address> Optional address for the break in execution (when that the index register value equals n). 7-20 Set Index Register Breakpoint NOTE M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 137

... BREAKX Examples: BREAKX A9 BREAKX BREAKX A9 300 M68ICS05POM/D Break execution when the index register value equals A9. Cancel the index breakpoint. Break execution at address 300 if index register value equals A9. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET (continued) 7-21 ...

Page 138

... N is negative zero and C is carry). A letter in these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear. Syntax: C 0|1 Examples 7-22 NOTE Clears the C bit of the CCR. Sets the C bit of the CCR. Set/Clear Carry Bit M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 139

... Location to be monitored for a change in value. Examples: CAPTURE PORTA CAPTURE C0 CAPTURE M68ICS05POM/D Capture Changed Data NOTE Monitor location PORTA for any value changes. Monitor RAM location C0 for any value changes. Monitor for any value changes in an array of locations. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET ...

Page 140

... The capture file must be closed within a reasonable time, to prevent the file from growing large. Syntax: CAPTUREFILE [<filename> A]] where: <filename> Name of the capture file. Examples: CAPTUREFILE TEST.CAP CF TEST4.CAP A 7-24 Open/Close Capture File NOTES Open capture file TEST.CAP Open capture file TEST4.CAP; append new entries M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 141

... CCR <n> where: <n> The new hexadecimal value for the CCR. Example: CCR E4 M68ICS05POM/D Set Condition Code Register NOTE Assign the value E4 to the CCR. This makes the binary pattern 11100100; the N bit set, other bits clear. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-25 ...

Page 142

... ICS05P for Windows. Select the device in the following window: The selection of a new chip does not take effect until the next debugging session. Syntax: CHIPMODE Example: CHIPMODE 7-26 Set Chip for Simulation Figure 7-2. Pick Device Dialog NOTE Choose the device for simulation. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 143

... Code Windows instead of source code. Symbols defined using the SYMBOL command are not affected by this command. (The NOMAP command is identical to CLEARMAP.) Syntax: CLEARMAP Example: CLEARMAP M68ICS05POM/D Clears symbols and their definitions. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Clear .MAP File 7-27 ...

Page 144

... The CLEARSYMBOL command removes all the user-defined symbols (created with the SYMBOL command). Debug information from MAP files, used for source level debugging, is not affected by the CLEARSYMBOL command. List the current user-defined symbols using the SYMBOL command. Syntax: CLEARSYMBOL Example: CLEARSYMBOL 7-28 Clear User Symbols NOTE Clears user defined symbols. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 145

... ICS05PW simulator. After you set colors options for the windows, save the changes using the SAVEDESK command. For more information about using the Change Window Colors dialog, see paragraph 6.22.2. Syntax: COLORS Example: COLORS M68ICS05POM/D Set Simulator Colors Open the colors window. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-29 ...

Page 146

... The Cycle Window shows the cycle counter. The cycle count can be useful for timing procedures. Syntax: CYCLES <n> where: <n> Integer value for the cycles counter. Examples: CYCLES 0 CY 1000 7-30 Set Cycles Counter Reset cycles counter. Set cycle-counter value to 1000. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 147

... Ending address for a range of instructions to be disassembled. Examples: DASM 300 0300 DASM 200 208 0200 0201 0203 0205 0207 M68ICS05POM/D Disassemble Memory NOTE A6E8 LDA #0E8 5F CLRX A680 LDA #80 B700 STA PORTA A6FE LDA #FE B704 STA DDRA DEBUGGING COMMAND SET ...

Page 148

... Bits assigned 0 denote input pins; bits assigned 1 denote output pins. Syntax: DDRA <n> where: <n> The byte value to be placed into DDRA. Examples: DDRA FF DDRA 00 7-32 Set Port A Direction Register Set all port A pins to be outputs. Set all port A pins to be inputs. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 149

... DDRB <n> where: <n> The byte value to be placed into DDRB. Examples: DDRB 03 DDRB FF M68ICS05POM/D Set Port B Direction Register Set the lower two bits of port B pins as outputs, set the others to be inputs. Set all port B pins to be outputs. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-33 ...

Page 150

... Optional number of bytes, words, or longs to be written on one line. Examples: DUMP C0 CF DUMP.W 300 37S DUMP.B 200 300 7-34 Dump Memory to Screen NOTE Dump array of RAM values, in bytes. Dump ROM code in address 300-37S in words. Dump contents of addresses 200-300 in rows of eight bytes. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 151

... Alone, the numerical term to be evaluated. Otherwise either numerical term of a simple expression. <op> The arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /, & simple expression to be evaluated. Examples: EVAL 0077H 119T 0001670 0000000001110111Q EVAL 100T 0064H 100T 0001440 0000000001100100Q M68ICS05POM/D DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Evaluate Expression NOTE "w" "d" 7-35 ...

Page 152

... DEBUGGING COMMAND SET EXIT or QUIT The EXIT command terminates the software and closes all windows. The QUIT command is identical to EXIT. Syntax: EXIT Example: EXIT 7-36 Exit/Quit Application Finish working with the program. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 153

... Optional execution ending address. Examples 346 G 300 371 RUN 300 M68ICS05POM/D Begin Program Execution NOTE Begin code execution at the current PC value. Begin code execution at address 346. Begin code execution at address 300. End code execution just before the instruction at address 371. ...

Page 154

... When the asterisk is entered, the command displays a list of appropriate files, from which you can select the required file. Example: GOMACRO AVCALC.MAC 7-38 Execute Macro after Break Begin code execution at the current PC value; at breakpoint execute macro AVCALC.MAC. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 155

... Execution continues until the program counter contains the specified ending address, or until you press a key or the Stop button on the ICS05PW toolbar, or until it reaches a breakpoint, or until an error occurs. Syntax: GOTIL <endaddr> where: <endaddr> The address at which execution stops. Example: GOTIL 2F0 M68ICS05POM/D Execute Until Address Executes code up to address 2F0. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-39 ...

Page 156

... Stop button on the ICS05PW toolbar, until it reaches a breakpoint error occurs. Syntax: GOTOCYCLE <n> where: <n> Cycle-counter value at which execution stops. Examples: GOTOCYCLE 100 7-40 Execute to Cycle Counter Value Execute the program until the cycle counter equals 100. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 157

... N is negative zero and C is carry). A letter in these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear. Syntax: H 0|1 Examples M68ICS05POM/D Set/Clear Half-Carry Bit NOTE Sets the H bit in the CCR. Clear the H bit of the CCR. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-41 ...

Page 158

... DEBUGGING COMMAND SET HELP The HELP command opens the Windows help file for the program. An alternative way to open the help system is to press the F1 key. Syntax: HELP Examples: HELP 7-42 Open the help system Open Help M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 159

... N is negative zero and C is carry). A letter in these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear. Syntax: I 0|1 Examples M68ICS05POM/D Set/Clear Interrupt Mask NOTE Set the I bit in the CCR. Clear the I bit of the CCR. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-43 ...

Page 160

... Information displayed includes the name of the file in the window, the line number, the address, the corresponding object code, and the disassembled instruction. Syntax: INFO Example: INFO Filename:PODTEST.ASM Address:$0100 Disassembly:START 7-44 Display Line Information Display information about the cursor line. Line number:6 5F CLRX M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 161

... If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, port A inputs come from the board, so this command has no effect. Syntax: INPUTA <n> where: <n> Eight-bit simulated value for port A. Example: INPUTA AA M68ICS05POM/D NOTE Simulate the input AA on port A. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Set Port A Inputs 7-45 ...

Page 162

... B is set as an input port. If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, port B inputs come from the board, so this command has no effect. Syntax: INPUTB <n> where: <n> Eight-bit simulated value for port B. Example: INPUTB 01 7-46 NOTE Simulate the input 01 on port B. Set Port B Inputs M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 163

... The INPUTS command shows the simulated input values to port A and B (entered via the INPUTA or INPUTB commands). If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, this command shows input values from the board. Syntax: INPUTS Example: INPUTS Port Port M68ICS05POM/D NOTE Show I/O port input values. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Show Port Inputs 7-47 ...

Page 164

... INT command is identical). If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, the IRQ pin value come from the board, so this command has no effect. Syntax: IRQ [ Examples: INT 0 IRQ 1 7-48 Set IRQ Pin State NOTE Assign 0 to the IRQ pin. Assign 1 to the IRQ pin. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 165

... Register values and program instructions do not appear in the status window as code runs. (This display state is the default when the software is first started.) To turn on the display of stepping information, use the LISTON command. Syntax: LISTOFF Example: LISTOFF M68ICS05POM/D Turn Off Step Listing Do not show step information. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-49 ...

Page 166

... The register values and program instructions are displayed in the status window while running code. The values shown are the same values seen by the REG instruction. To turn off this step display, use the LISTOFF command. Syntax: LISTON Example: LISTON 7-50 Turn On Step Listing Show step information. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 167

... Examples: LOAD PROG1.S19 LOAD PROG2 LOAD A: LOAD M68ICS05POM/D Load file PROG1.S19 and its map file into the simulator at the load addresses in the file. Load file PROG2.S19 and its map file into the simulator at the load addresses in the file. Display the names of the .S19 files on the diskette in drive A:, for user selection ...

Page 168

... Use the SAVEDESK command to save the debugger window settings to the desktop file. Syntax: LOADDESK Example: LOADDESK 7-52 Load Desktop Settings Get window settings from desktop file. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 169

... Examples: LOADMAP PROG.MAP LOADMAP PROG1 LOADMAP A: LOADMAP M68ICS05POM/D Load map file PROG.MAP into the host computer. Load map file PROG1.MAP into the host computer. Displays the names of the .MAP files on the diskette in drive A: Display the names of the .MAP files in the current directory ...

Page 170

... Start logging. Overwrite file TEST.LOG (in the current directory) with all lines that appear in the status window. Start logging. Append to file TEMP.LOG (in the current directory) all lines that appear in the status window. (If logging is enabled): Disable logging and close the log file. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 171

... If so, the software displays a list of macro files, for selection. Examples: MACRO INIT.MAC SCRIPT * MACRO A:* MACRO M68ICS05POM/D NOTE Execute commands in file INIT.MAC. Display names of all .MAC files (then execute the selected file). Display names of all .MAC files in drive A (then execute the selected file). ...

Page 172

... The MACROEND command closes the macro file in which the software has saved debug commands. (The MACROSTART command opened the macro file). This stops saving debug commands to the macro file. Syntax: MACROEND Example: MACROEND 7-56 Stop Saving Commands to Batch File Stop saving debug commands to the macro file, then close the file. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 173

... MACROSTART [<filename>] where: <filename> Example: MACROSTART TEST.MAC M68ICS05POM/D Save Debug Commands to Batch File The name of the macro file to save commands. The .MAC extension can be omitted. The filename can be a pathname followed by the asterisk (*) wildcard character; if so, the command displays a list of all files in the specified directory that have the ...

Page 174

... The MD and SHOW commands are identical. Syntax: MD <address> where: <address> The starting memory address for display in the upper left corner of the memory window. Examples: MD 200 SHOW 100 7-58 Display Memory at Address Display the contents of memory beginning at address 200. Display the contents of memory beginning at address 100. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 175

... The value( stored (optional). Examples: With only one address 300 00 MM 100 MM.L 200 123456 M68ICS05POM/D Figure 7-3. Modify Memory Dialog Start memory modify at address $90 ssign value 00 to address $300. A Assign values 00-11 to bytes 100-103. Place long value $123456 at address $200. ...

Page 176

... N is negative zero and C is carry). A letter in these designators means that the corresponding bit of the CCR is set; a period means that the corresponding bit is clear. Syntax: N 0|1 Example 7-60 Set/Clear Negative Bit NOTE Set the N bit of the CCR. Clear the N bit of the CCR. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 177

... This removes the breakpoint from the line. Syntax: NOBR [<address>] where: <address> Optional address of a single breakpoint to be removed. Examples: NOBR NOBR 120 M68ICS05POM/D Remove Breakpoints Remove all current instruction breakpoints. Remove the instruction breakpoint at address 120. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-61 ...

Page 178

... The NOSYMBOL command removes all user defined symbols created using the SYMBOL from memory. Symbols are created using the SYMBOL command. Symbols defined via a loaded MAP file are not affected. Syntax: NOSYMBOL Example: NOSYMBOL 7-62 Clear User Symbols Clears user defined symbols and their definitions. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 179

... Set PC at Cursor menu item. This assigns the address of that line to the PC. Syntax: PC <address> where: <address> Example: PC 0200 M68ICS05POM/D Set Program Counter The new PC value. Sets the PC value to 0200. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-63 ...

Page 180

... If successful, this command responds with the current status of ports, reset, and IRQ pins on the board. The command also shows the version of the board. Syntax: POD <n> where: <n> The number (1... serial port (COM1 through COM8) on the PC. Example: POD 1 Port Port Reset - 1 IRQ - 1 Version - 01 7-64 Connect to serial port COM1. Change Serial Port M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 181

... If the ICS05 circuit board is connected, the system sends the n parameter value of this command to the board. Syntax: PORTA <n> where: <n> The new value for the port A output latches. Example: PORTA FF M68ICS05POM/D Set Port A Output Latches NOTE Set all port A output latches high. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-65 ...

Page 182

... If the ICS05P circuit board is connected, the system sends the n parameter value of this command to the board. Syntax: PORTB <n> where: <n> The new value for the port B output latches. Example: PORTB 03 7-66 Set Port B Output Latches NOTES Set the port B output latches to 03. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 183

... EPROM, and programming the MOR byte for the desired device. Programming software installed on the host computer can control the M68ICS05P pod programming socket (U2). The host computer can send RESET, CLOCK, DATA, and other control signals from to the pod through the serial connection. ...

Page 184

... Gives the name of the S19 file in which to upload code (shown in file window). Reads the entire EPROM space (including MOR byte) of the HC705P9 part and places it into the upload file. Verifies that an upload file has been specified. Verifies the device to the download file specified in the status window. (continued) M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 185

... PROGRAM Example: PROGRAM M68ICS05POM/D Starts the programmer. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET (continued) 7-69 ...

Page 186

... The user can view any of the registers, modify their values, and store the results back into memory. An alternate way to bring up the register files window is to press the Register Files speed button. Syntax: R Example: R 7-70 Start interactive system register setup. Use Register Files M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 187

... REG The REG command displays the contents of the CPU registers in the Status window. (The STATUS command is identical to the REG command.) Syntax: REG Example: REG M68ICS05POM/D Displays the contents of the CPU registers. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Show Registers 7-71 ...

Page 188

... The REM command lets you display comments in a macro file. When the macro file executes, the text comment appears in the status window. Syntax: REM <text> where: <text> Example: REM Program executing 7-72 Place Comment in Batch/Macro File A comment to be displayed when a macro file is executing. ; Display the message Program executing during macro file execution. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 189

... The RESET command simulates a reset of the MCU and sets the program counter (PC) to the contents of the reset vector. This command does not start execution of user code. (To reset and execute code, use the RESETGO command.) Syntax: RESET Example: RESET M68ICS05POM/D Simulate Processor Reset Simulate reset of the MCU. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-73 ...

Page 190

... The RESETGO command simulates a reset of the MCU, sets the program counter (PC) to the contents of the reset vector, then starts execution from that address. Syntax: RESETGO Example: RESETGO 7-74 Reset and Restart MCU Simulate reset of the MCU and start execution of code. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 191

... SAVEDESK The SAVEDESK command saves window position, size, and other desktop settings. Opening the application or entering the LOADDESK command loads the saved settings. Syntax: SAVEDESK Example: SAVEDESK M68ICS05POM/D Save Desktop Settings Save window settings for the application. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-75 ...

Page 192

... DEBUGGING COMMAND SET SHOWBREAKS The SHOWBREAKS command brings up the Breakpoint Window that displays the breakpoints used in the current debugging session. Breakpoints can be modified through this window Syntax: SHOWBREAKS Example: SHOWBREAKS 7-76 Display Breakpoint Window Open the breakpoint window. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 193

... This command is useful for browsing through various modules in the program. To return to code where the PC is pointing, use the SHOWPC command. Syntax: SHOWCODE <address> where: <address> The address or label where code shown. Example: SHOWCODE 200 M68ICS05POM/D Display Code at Address Show code starting at location $200. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-77 ...

Page 194

... All symbols defined in the source code used for debugging will be listed. The debugger defined symbols, defined with the SYMBOL command, will not be shown. The MAP command is identical to the SHOWMAP command. Syntax: SHOWMAP Example: SHOWMAP 7-78 Show Information in Map File Shows symbols from the loaded map file and their values. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 195

... SHOWTRACE The SHOWTRACE command displays the trace window, showing the last 1024 instructions that were executed after the TRACE command is used. Syntax: SHOWTRACE Example: SHOWTRACE M68ICS05POM/D Display Trace Window Open the trace window. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-79 ...

Page 196

... DEBUGGING COMMAND SET SNAPSHOT The SNAPSHOT command sends textual information about the debugger windows to the open log file log file is open, the command has no effect. Syntax: SNAPSHOT Example: SNAPSHOT 7-80 Save Window Data to Log File Save window data to the log file. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 197

... The SP command assigns the specified value to the stack pointer (SP) used by the CPU. The value entered with the command should be reflected in the CPU Window. Syntax: SP <n> where: <n> The new stack pointer value. Example: SP $E0 M68ICS05POM/D Set the stack pointer value to $E0. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET Set Stack Pointer 7-81 ...

Page 198

... If the number argument is omitted, one source instruction is executed. If the SS command is entered with an n value, the command steps through n source instructions. Syntax: SS [<n>] where: <n> number of instructions to step through. Examples 7-82 Execute Source Step(s) Step through the instruction at the PC address value. Step through eight instructions, starting at the current PC address value. M68ICS05POM/D ...

Page 199

... ST and T commands are identical to the STEP command.) Syntax: STEP [<n>] where: <n> The hexadecimal number of instructions to be executed by each command. Examples: STEP ST 2 M68ICS05POM/D Execute Single Step Execute the assembly instruction at the PC address value. Execute two assembly instructions, starting at the PC address value. DEBUGGING COMMAND SET 7-83 ...

Page 200

... DEBUGGING COMMAND SET STACK The STACK command opens the HC05 Stack Window, which shows the stack pointer (SP) value, data stored on the stack, and results of an RTS or RTI instruction. Syntax: STACK Example: STACK 7-84 Show Stack Window Open the stack window. M68ICS05POM/D ...

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