PCWHD IDE COMPILER Custom Computer Services Inc (CCS), PCWHD IDE COMPILER Datasheet - Page 333

PCWHD PIC10,16,18,24, DSPIC


Manufacturer Part Number
PCWHD PIC10,16,18,24, DSPIC
Custom Computer Services Inc (CCS)

Specifications of PCWHD IDE COMPILER

For Use With/related Products
Microchip PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC MCUs
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Not applicable / Not applicable
Other names
Not enough RAM for all variables
The program requires more RAM than is available. The symbol map shows variables allocated.
The call tree shows the RAM used by each function. Additional RAM usage can be obtained by
breaking larger functions into smaller ones and splitting the RAM between them.
For example, a function A may perform a series of operations and have 20 local variables declared.
variables are not shared between the parts. A function B may be defined with 7 local variables and
a function C may be defined with 7 local variables. Function A now calls B and C and combines
the results and now may only need 6 variables. The savings are accomplished because B and C
are not executing at the same time and the same real memory locations will be used for their 6
variables (just not at the same time). The compiler will allocate only 13 locations for the group of
functions A, B, C where 20 were required before to perform the same operation.
Number of bits is out of range
For a count of bits, such as in a structure definition, this must be 1-8. For a bit number
specification, such as in the #BIT, the number must be 0-7.
Only integers are supported for this operation
Option invalid
Out of ROM, A segment or the program is too large
A function and all of the INLINE functions it calls must fit into one segment (a hardware code page).
function and that function is 600 instructions long, you will get this error even though the chip has
plenty of ROM left. The function needs to be split into at least two smaller functions. Even after
this is done, this error may occur since the new function may be only called once and the linker
might automatically INLINE it. This is easily determined by reviewing the call tree. If this error is
caused by too many functions being automatically INLINED by the linker, simply add a
#SEPARATE before a function to force the function to be SEPARATE. Separate functions can be
allocated on any page that has room. The best way to understand the cause of this error is to
review the call tree.
Parameters must be located in RAM
Parameters not permitted
An identifier that is not a function or preprocessor macro can not have a ' ( ' after it.
Pointers to bits are not permitted
Addresses cannot be created to bits. For example, &X is not permitted if X is a SHORT INT.
Previous identifier must be a pointer
A -> may only be used after a pointer to a structure. It cannot be used on a structure itself or other
kind of variable.
Upon analysis, it may be determined that there are two main parts to the calculations and many
For example, on the PIC16 chip a code page is 512 instructions. If a program has only one

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