LDF 1 DISTELKAMP, LDF 1 Datasheet - Page 5



Manufacturer Part Number
Soldering Solder - Fume
Vacuum units and filters are state of the art
Soldering techniques used in today's electronics industry are usually the hard solder, soft solder, as well
as the flame soldering with solder paste, flux or solder wire filled with flux. These are alloys, that, in
comparison to pure metal, clearly show lower boiling- and melting points, and therefore convert more
quickly to the evaporation phase. With these alloys, the lasting bond of materials is guaranteed, without a
change in the materials themselves. Solder contains aluminum, tin, lead, zinc, cadmium, silver and
copper depending on the alloy-type and melting point. A typical soft solder consists of 60% pewter and
40% lead. A hard solder, on the other hand, contains 75% silver and 25% cadmium. The danger to one's
health in hard and soft solder is mainly contributed to lead and cadmium. Lead is a heavy metal causing
long-term damage. It impairs the formation of new red blood cells and damages the central nervous
system. Therefore, the legislation has enacted strict laws in the contact with lead and has set a limit of a
maximum concentration of 0,1mg per cubic meters of airspace at the work place. According to the
dangerous material ordinance, contact with lead is prohibited for child bearing women, if the MAK-
value or the biological working-material-value (BAT) cannot be maintained. For women up to 45 years of
age, the BAT-value amounts to 30ug/100ml blood. This value lies only slightly above the blood-lead-value
of the average German citizen. A value of 70ug/100ml blood applies to men. The edition of solder work
with lead containing solder in the home industry is subject to strict regulations. Cadmium is already
prohibited in Sweden. In the Federal republic, this metal is classified as a carcinogenic material of the
group AT II. That means, in animal experiments cadmium has proven to be cancer-causing, in fact,
under conditions, that correspond to the exposure at the job. The virulence of Cadmium became known
through the Itai-Itai-Illness, a rachitis similar to bone-brittleness. A technical guideline does not exist for
cadmium concentration. However, the minimization-rule is valid. Currently under discussion is a TRK-
value of 0,02mg per cubic meter. Cadmium containing solder must be marked since 1990 according to
the dangerous material ordinance. In order to guarantee that the solder joint remains durable, no
disturbing oxide-layer may exist on the workpiece before soldering. Liquid chemicals ensure the removal
of these oxide layers. Known such chemicals are talc, ammonium salt, borax, colophon, tin - and zinc-
chloride, organic acids, (Amine and Hydrazin)???. The "Hydrazin" as well as the colophon are the most
problematic. "Hydrazin" is similar to cadmium; the material is replaceable, however. colophon is a rosin
containing liquid chemical, that contains "Abietinsäure" as a main component. Normal soldering
temperatures can lead to the partial decomposition of the colophon, which, among other things, creates
aldehydes. The best known of this organic chemical is formaldehyde, a material, that is under heavy
public discussion. Formaldehyde is also examined for its carcinogenic effect at this time. The MAK-value
lies at 0,5 ppm. This short overview shows which health-related dangers need to be taken into account
when soldering. According to the current regulations (accident prevention regulation VBG 15), vacuum
equipment is required for the respective work stations. The air may only be led back into the area, if it
was filtered in accordance with this rule. The filters are to be renewed at regular intervals.
Distelkamp - Electronic
Ernst Christmann Str. 8, D-67659 Kaiserslautern
Phone: 49-631-78319, fax,: 49-631-78399, e-mail,: dikamp@aol.com
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