12206 Simpson, 12206 Datasheet - Page 12



Manufacturer Part Number
Analog Multimeters 260-6XLM VOM LOW P

Specifications of 12206

+/- 2 %
Lead Free Status / Rohs Status
Lead free / RoHS Compliant
This section of the manual contains information required to use and operate the
260 in a safe and proper manner.
Before proceeding with the operation of the 260, review the SHOCK HAZARD
definition printed at the beginning of the manual. Do not use the Instrument and
its accessories on induction heating, x-ray machines, or power substations where
high voltage and low impedance equipment is used.
Ohms Adjust:
Circuit Jacks:
Safety Precautions
The 260 should only be used by personnel qualified to recognize shock haz-
ards and trained in the safety precautions required to avoid possible injury.
Do not work alone when measuring circuits where a shock hazard might ex-
ist. Notify a nearby person that you are making, or intend to make such mea-
surement connections. Be sure that the equipment is properly grounded and
the right rating and type of fuse(s) is installed. Set the Instrument to the
proper range before applying power. Voltage might appear unexpectedly in
defective equipment. An open bleeder resistor can result in a capacitor re-
taining a dangerous charge. Turn the power off and discharge all capacitors
before connecting or disconnecting the Instrument.
Inspect the test leads for cracks, breaks or crazes in the insulation, probes
and connectors before each use. If any defects are noted, replace the test
leads immediately.
Locate all voltage sources and accessible current paths before making mea-
The ohms adjust control is a variable resistor in the ohm-
meter circuit, which permits adjustment at infinity ( ) and at
0 for the low power and conventional ohms ranges, respec-
There are seven jacks on the front panel marked with the
functions they represent. These are the connections for the
test leads. The elbow prods of the test leads are plugged
into the proper jacks for the circuit and range desired for
each application. At the lower left are -COMMON and +
jacks. The black test lead is connected to -COMMON for all
circuits and ranges except the 5A, DC range. The red test
lead is used in the + jack for all functions and ranges, ex-
cept those designated by the other jacks. Across the top of
the panel are three jacks individually marked -5A, dual mark-
ing of +50 µA/250 mV at a single jack, and +5A.
For the 50 µA or 250 mV DC range, the red test lead is
connected to this dual-marked jack. For the 5A DC range,
the blacktest lead and the red test lead are connected to
the -5A and +5A jacks, respectively. At the lower right are
the OUTPUT and 1000V jacks. For all output ranges and
for 1000V AC or DC, the
appropriate jack with black lead in the left of the -COMMON
red test lead is connected to the
With the Instrument in the operating position, check the pointer for zero indication
at the left end of the scale when there is no input. If pointer is off zero, adjust the
screw located in the meter cover below the center of the dial. Use a small screw-
driver to turn the screw slowly clockwise or counterclockwise until the pointer rests
freely over the zero mark at the left end of the scale. This procedure will avoid
disturbances to the zero setting by subsequent changes in temperature, humidity,
vibration and other environmental conditions.
When making DC measurements with the test leads connected to the + and -
COMMON jacks, polarity can be reversed with the function switch without revers-
ing the test leads. When making measurements of the 50 µA/250 mV range, or 5
A range, polarity can be corrected only by reversing the test leads.
NOTE: Change the range switch or function switch positions only when the power
to the circuit being measured is turned off or when the test leads are discon-
nected. In addition to ensuring safety, this practice will eliminate arcing at switch
contacts and prolong the life of the Instrument.
Prior to making voltage measurement, review the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS listed
in paragraph 4.2.
Do not measure in a circuit where corona is present. Corona can be identi-
fied by a pale blue color emanating from sharp metal points in the circuit, or
by a buzzing sound, or by the odor of ozone. In rare instances, such as
around germicidal lamps, ozone might be generated as a normal function.
Ordinarily, the presence of ozone indicates the presence of high voltage and
probably an electrical malfunction.
Hands, shoes, floor and workbench must be dry. Avoid making measure-
ments under humid, damp or other environmental conditions that could affect
the dielectric withstanding voltage of the test leads or the Instrument.
For maximum safety, do not touch test leads or Instrument while power is
applied to the circuit under test.
Use extreme caution when making measurements where a dangerous com-
bination of voltages could be present, such as in an RF amplifier.
Do not make measurements using test leads of lesser safety than those origi-
nally furnished with the Instrument.
Do not touch any object which could provide a current path to the common
side of the circuit under test or power line ground. Always stand on a dry
insulated surface capable of withstanding the voltage being measured.
Do not connect to an electrically energized circuit in a hazardous area.
No General Purpose VOM is to be used to make electrical measurements on
blasting circuits or blasting caps.
Adjust Pointer for Zero
Polarity Correction
DC Voltage Measurement