SCAN928028TUFX National Semiconductor, SCAN928028TUFX Datasheet - Page 13


Manufacturer Part Number
National Semiconductor

Specifications of SCAN928028TUFX

Lead Free Status / Rohs Status
Not Compliant

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Part Number:
Texas Instruments
10 000
Part Number:
Texas Instruments
10 000
Application Information
The SCAN928028 is an easy to use serializer that combines
eight 10:1 serializers into a single chip with a maximum pay-
load of 5.28Gbps. Each of the eight serializers accepts 10 or
less data bits. The serializers then multiplex the data into a
serial data stream with embedded clock bits and route to the
LVDS output at up to 660Mbps per channels. The LVDS out-
put is a 5 ma current loop driver that can be used for point-to-
point and lightly loaded multidrop applications. Each of the
eight channels has their own serializer function but share a
single Transmit Clock (TCLK) with a single PLL for the entire
chip. The data on all eight channels is latched into the device
with the rising edge of TCLK and the data stream is compat-
ible with the DS92LV1210, DS92LV1212A, DS92LV1224,
DS92LV1260, SCAN921224, SCAN921226, SCAN921260,
and SCAN926260 deserializers from National Semiconduc-
If using less than 10 bits of data, it is recommended to tie off
adjacent bits to the embedded clock bits to prevent causing
a RMT in the data payload. For example, if only using 8 bits,
tie D0 High and D9 Low.
All CMOS design of the Serializer and Deserializer makes
them inherently low power devices. Additionally, the constant
current source nature of the LVDS outputs minimize the slope
of the speed vs. I
Circuit board layout and stack-up for the BLVDS devices
should be designed to provide low-noise power feed to the
device. Good layout practice will also separate high-frequen-
cy or high-level inputs and outputs to minimize unwanted
stray noise pickup, feedback and interference. Power system
performance may be greatly improved by using thin di-
electrics (2 to 4 mils) for power / ground sandwiches. This
arrangement provides plane capacitance for the PCB power
system with low-inductance parasitic, especially proven ef-
fective at high frequencies above approximately 50MHz, and
makes the value and placement of external bypass capacitors
less critical. External bypass capacitors should include both
RF ceramic and tantalum electrolytic types. RF capacitors
may use values in the range of 0.01 uF to 0.1 uF. Tantalum
capacitors may be in the 2.2 uF to 10 uF range. Voltage rating
of the tantalum capacitors should be at least 5X the power
supply voltage being used.
It is a recommended practice to use two vias at each power
pin as well as at all RF bypass capacitor terminals. Dual vias
reduce the interconnect inductance by up to half, thereby re-
ducing interconnect inductance and extending the effective
frequency range of the bypass components. Locate RF ca-
pacitors as close as possible to the supply pins, and use wide
low impedance traces (not 50 Ohm traces). Surface mount
capacitors are recommended due to their smaller parasitics.
When using multiple capacitors per supply pin, locate the
smaller value closer to the pin. A large bulk capacitor is rec-
ommend at the point of power entry. This is typically in the
50uF to 100uF range and will smooth low frequency switching
noise. It is recommended to connect power and ground pins
straight to the power and ground plane, with the bypass ca-
pacitors connected to the plane with via on both ends of the
capacitor. Connecting a power or ground pin to an external
bypass capacitor will increase the inductance of the path.
curve of CMOS designs.
A small body size X7R chip capacitor, such as 0603, is rec-
ommended for external bypass. Its small body size reduces
the parasitic inductance of the capacitor. User must pay at-
tention to the resonance frequency of these external bypass
capacitors, usually in the range of 20-30MHz range. To pro-
vide effective bypassing, very often, multiple capacitors are
used to achieve low impedance between the supply rails over
the frequency of interest. At high frequency, it is also a com-
mon practice to use two via from power and ground pins to
the planes, reducing the impedance at high frequency.
Some devices provide separate power and ground pins for
different portions of the circuit. This is done to isolate switch-
ing noise effects between different sections of the circuit.
Separate planes on the PCB are typically not required. Pin
Description tables typically provide guidance on which circuit
blocks are connected to which power pin pairs. In some cas-
es, an external filter many be used to provide clean power to
sensitive circuits such as PLLs.
Use at least a four layer board with a power and ground plane.
Locate CMOS (TTL) swings away from the LVDS lines to
prevent coupling from the CMOS lines to the LVDS lines.
Closely-coupled differential lines of 100 Ohms are typically
recommended for LVDS interconnect. The closely-coupled
lines help to ensure that coupled noise will appear as com-
mon-mode and thus is rejected by the receivers. Also the tight
coupled lines will radiate less.
The SCAN928028 Serializers can be used in point-to-point
configuration of a backplane across PCB traces or through
cable interconnect. In point-to-point configurations the trans-
mission media needs only to be terminated at the receiver
end. The SCAN928028 may also be used with double termi-
nations for a total load or 50 Ohms for use in certain limited
multidrop applications. Termination impedances lower than
50 Ohms is not recommended.
Termination of the LVDS interconnect is required. For point-
to-point applications termination should be located at the load
end. Nominal value is 100 Ohms to match the line's differen-
tial impedance. Place the resistor as close to the receiver
inputs as possible to minimize the resulting stub between the
termination resistor and receiver.
Additional general guidance can be found in the LVDS
Owner's Manual - available in PDF format from the national
web site at:
General device specific guidance is given below. Exact guid-
ance can not be given as it is dictated by other board level /
system level criteria. This includes the density of the board,
power rails, power supply, and other integrated circuit power
supply needs.
For a typical application circuit, please see Figure 12.
These pins supply the digital portion of the device. A 0.1uF
capacitor is sufficient for these pins.
The PVDD pin supplies the PLL circuit. The PLL(s) require
clean power for the minimization of Jitter. A supply noise fre-
quency in the 300kHZ to 1MHz range can cause increased
output jitter. Certain power supplies may have switching fre-
quencies or high harmonic content in this range. If this is the

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