GTCR38-421M-R10 TE Connectivity, GTCR38-421M-R10 Datasheet - Page 7


Manufacturer Part Number
TE Connectivity

Specifications of GTCR38-421M-R10

Dc Sparkover Voltage (v)
Impulse Discharge Current (8x20us) 10 Hits (ka)
Ac Discharge Current (50 Hz, 1 Sec Duration, 10 Hits) (a)
Tolerance Of Dc Sparkover Voltage
+/- 20%
Insulation Resistance M?
Lead Type
Radial Leaded
Number Of Electrodes
Diameter (mm [in])
8.00 [0.315]
Fail-short Device
Rohs/elv Compliance
RoHS compliant, ELV compliant
Lead Free Solder Processes
Wave solder capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°C, Wave solder capable to 265°C
Rohs/elv Compliance History
Always was RoHS compliant
Operating Temperature (°c)
-40 – +90
Packaging Method
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Gas Discharge Tubes
© 2008, 2011 Tyco Electronics Corporation
a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company. All rights reserved.
308 Constitution Drive, MS R21/2A
Menlo Park, CA USA 94025-1164
GTCX35-XXX-R05 Series
GTCX38-XXXM-R10 Series
Part Marking Reference
Example Part Marking:
35 =
R10 =
GN =
Manufacture Mark
Voltage Designator (35 = 350V)
Product Family Designator + Surge Current 10kA (8x20µs 10 hits)
Year and Week of Manufacture
35 R10 GN
FAX (650) 361-2508
Tel (800) 227-7040
(650) 361-6900
Gas Discharge Tubes (Chinese) (Japanese)
Document: SCD27381
Status: Released
Rev: C
Date: MAY 18, 2011

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