20ll04da1 Pacer Components, 20ll04da1 Datasheet - Page 25



Manufacturer Part Number
Vacuum Fluorescent Display Module
Pacer Components
2*20 VF Display Module
8.23 Vertical Scroll Mode
8.24 Horizontal Scroll Mode
8.25 Set Display Screen Blink Interval
8.26 Set and Display Counter (Set Time)
ASCII Format
ASCII Format
ASCII Format
ASCII Format
Hex. Format
Dec. Format
Hex. Format
Hex. Format
Dec. Format
Dec. Format
Hex. Format
Dec. Format
when the cursor is at the right end of the upper line, scrolls the characters displayed on the lower line
to the upper line, and clears the lower line when the cursor is at the right end of the lower line. At this
time, the cursor is moved to the left end of the lower line.
to the right after displaying the character.
commas and periods) one character to the left, then displays the new character at the right end (when
the cursor is at the right end of either line.)
to the right after displaying the character.
right side of the bottom line.
moves to the home position. The counter display disappears when any of the following occurs:
31, 2
31, 3
<US> <MD2>
[1Fh] [02h]
Selects vertical scroll mode as the screen display mode.
In vertical scroll mode, entering a character code moves the cursor to the left end of the lower line
Selecting vertical scroll mode cancels overwrite or horizontal scroll mode.
Except when the cursor is at the right end, entering a character code moves the cursor one character
<US> <MD3>
[1Fh] [03h]
Selects horizontal scroll mode as the screen display mode.
In horizontal scroll mode, entering a character code scrolls all displayed characters (including
Selecting horizontal scroll mode cancels overwrite or vertical scroll mode.
Except when the cursor is at the right end, entering a character code moves the cursor one character
<US> E n
31, 69, n
[1Fh] [45h] n
Sets or cancels the blink interval of the display screen. (0<n<255)
n specifies the blink interval. [(n*50 ms.) ON / (n*50ms.) OFF] is repeated.
<US> T h m
31, 84, h m
[1Fh] [54h] h m
The counter time is set and displayed at the right side of the bottom line.
When this command is entered, the screen is cleared and the time is displayed in 24-mode at the
The time counter starts from the transmitted code h:m:00. After the time is displayed, the cursor
Even if the time counter is cleared, it continues to be updated in the display.
When n=0, the display is kept on (cancels blinking).
When n=255, the display is turned off but the contents of the display are maintained.
1) The cursor moves to the bottom line.
2) Display characters move to the bottom line.
3) The <CLR> command is received.
* h is hours, and m is minutes. (0<h<23,
20LL04DA1 (Rev. 5.0)
Page 25 of 41
<ESC> <DC2>
27, 18
[1Bh] [12h]
<ESC> <DC3>
[1Bh] [13h]

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