qt1101 Quantum Research Group, qt1101 Datasheet - Page 8



Manufacturer Part Number
10 Key Qtouch? Sensor Ic
Quantum Research Group

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Part Number:
20 000
Part Number:
20 000
Part Number:
20 000
Oscillator Tolerance: While
the auto baud rate detection
mechanism has a wide
tolerance for oscillator error,
the QT’s oscillator should still
not vary by more than
from the recommended value.
Beyond a 20% error,
communications at either the
lower or upper stated limits
could fail. The oscillator
frequency can be checked
with an oscilloscope by
probing the pulse width on
the SNS lines; these should ideally be 2.15µs in width each
at the beginning of a burst with the recommended
spread-spectrum circuit, or 2µs wide if no spread-spectrum
circuit is used.
Host Request Byte: The host requests the key state from
the QT1101 by sending an ASCII "P" character (ASCII
decimal code 80, hex 0x50) over the 1W line. The character
is formatted according to conventional RS-232:
Figure 2.2 shows the bit pattern of the host request byte
(‘P’). The first bit labeled ‘S’ is the start bit, the last ‘S’ is the
stop bit. This bit pattern should never be changed. The
QT1101 will respond at the same baud rate as the received
‘P’ character.
After sending the ‘P’ character the host must immediately
float the 1W signal to prevent a drive conflict between the
host and the QT1101 (see Figure 2.1). The delay from the
received stop bit to the QT1101 driving the 1W pin is in the
range 1-3 bit periods, so the host should float the pin within
one bit period to prevent a drive conflict.
Data Reply: Before sending a reply, the QT1101 returns the
/CHANGE signal to its inactive (float-high) state.
The QT1101 then replies by sending two eight-bit characters
to the host over the 1W line using the same baud rate as the
request. With no keys pressed, both repl y bytes are ASCII
‘@’ (0x40) characters; any keys that are pressed at the time
of the reply result in their associated bits being set in the
reply. Figure 2.3 shows the reply bytes when keys 0, 2 and 7
are pressed - 0x45, 0x42, and the associations between
keys and bits in the reply.
The QT1101 floats the 1W pin again after establishing the
level of the stop bit.
2.11.2 LP Mode Effects on 1W
The use of low power (LP) mode
presents some additional 1W timing
requirements. In LP mode (Section
2.5), the QT1101 will only respond to
a request from the host when it is
making one of its infrequent checks
for a key press. Hence, in that
condition most requests from the host
to the QT1101 will be ignored, since
the QT1101 will be sleeping and
unresponsive. However, if either
/CHANGE or DETECT are active the
8 data bits
no parity
1 stop bit
baud rate: 8,000 - 38,400
(from QT1101)
Serial bits
Associated key #
(from host)
(from QT1101)
S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 2.3 UART Response Pattern on 1W Pin
0 1 2 3 4 5 * *
key state
QT1101 will be at full speed, and hence will always respond
to ‘P’ requests.
Note that when sleeping in LP mode, there are by definition
no keys active, so there should not be a reason for the host
to send the ‘P’ query command in the first place.
Three strategies are available to the host to ensure that LP
mode operates correctly:
2.11.3 2W Operation
1W operation, as described above, requires that the host
float the 1W line while awaiting a reply from the QT1101; this
is not always possible.
(Shown with keys 0, 2 and 7 detecting)
# /CHANGE used. The host monitors /CHANGE, and only
# DETECT used. The host monitors DETECT, and if it is
# Neither /CHANGE nor DETECT used. The host polls
Figure 2.4 2W Operation
sends a ‘P’ request when it is low. The part is awake by
definition when /CHANGE is low. If /CHANGE is high,
key states are known to be unchanged since the last
reply received from the QT1101, and so additional ‘P’
requests are not needed. Before triggering LP mode the
host should wait for /CHANGE to go high after all keys
have become inactive.
active (i.e. the part is awake) it polls the device regularly
to obtain key status. When DETECT is inactive (the part
may be sleeping) no requests are sent because it is
known that no keys are active. Before triggering LP
mode the host should wait for DETECT to become
inactive, and then send one additional 'P' request to
ensure /CHANGE is also made inactive.
the device regularly to obtain key status, with a timeout
in operation when awaiting the reply to each ‘P’ request.
Not receiving a reply within the timeout period only
occurs when the part is sleeping, and hence when no
keys are active. Before triggering LP mode the host
should wait for all keys to become inactive and then
send an additional 'P' request to the QT1101 to ensure
/CHANGE is also inactive.
S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S
6 7 8 9 U U * *
from host
(1 byte)
QT1101 R4.06/0806
1 ~ 3 bit periods
from QT1101
driven reply
(2 bytes)
* Fixed bit values
U - Unused bits

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