TX2A-433-64-3V RADIOMETRIX [Radiometrix Ltd], TX2A-433-64-3V Datasheet - Page 9



Manufacturer Part Number
UHF FM Data Transmitter and Receiver Modules
RADIOMETRIX [Radiometrix Ltd]
Duty Cycle requirements
The duty cycle is defined as the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the maximum transmitter “on” time on
one or more carrier frequencies, relative to a one hour period. Where an acknowledgement message is
required, the additional transmitter “on” time shall be included.
There is a 10% duty cycle restriction on 433.050-434.790 MHz band in most of the EU member states.
The TX2A-433 is a RF module intended to be incorporated into a wide variety of applications and finished
products, Radiometrix has no control over the end use of the TX2A-433.The harmonised band 433.050 to
434.790 MHz as detailed in Annex 1 Band E of CEPT/ERC Recommendation 70-03 (which can be
downloaded at http://www.ero.dk/scripts/docmanag98/dm.dll/QueryDoc?Cat=Recommendation)
has list of countries where Duty Cycle restriction apply.
Module users should, therefore, ensure that they comply with the stated Duty Cycle requirements of the
version of CEPT/ERC Recommendation 70-03 in place at the time of incorporation of the TX2A-433 into
their product. It should be noted that the stated Duty Cycle must not be exceeded otherwise any approval
granted for the TX2A-433 will be invalidated.
Radiometrix Ltd, TX2A/RX2A Data Sheet
page 9

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