H7CX-AS-N AC100-240 Omron, H7CX-AS-N AC100-240 Datasheet - Page 30

ScrwTerm,Tr.out,12VDC PS,6digt

H7CX-AS-N AC100-240

Manufacturer Part Number
H7CX-AS-N AC100-240
ScrwTerm,Tr.out,12VDC PS,6digt

Specifications of H7CX-AS-N AC100-240

Count Rate
30Hz or 5kHz Selectable
Number Of Digits/alpha
Input Type
Voltage, Switch Closure, Transistor Switch
Output Type
Voltage - Supply
100 V ~ 240 VAC
Display Type
LCD Backlit
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Other names
Explanation of Functions
Tachometer Operation
Items marked with stars ★ can be set using the DIP
Tachometer Input Mode (tinm)
Set the count input mode to one of the following: 1 input (F1), 2 inputs
(F2), error (F3), absolute ratio (F4), or error ratio (F5).
Tachometer Output Mode (totm)★
Set the output method for control output based on the comparison
value. Upper and lower limit (HI-LO), area (AREA), upper limit (HI-HI),
and lower limit (LO-LO) can be set.
(For details on the output modes, refer to Output Mode Settings and
Operation on page page 34.)
Counting Speed (cnts)★
Set the maximum counting speed (30 Hz/10 kHz) for CP1 input.
If contacts are used for input signals, set the counting speed to 30 Hz.
Processing to eliminate chattering is performed for this setting.
Decimal Point Position (dp)
Decide the decimal point position for the measurement value, OUT1
set value, and OUT2 set value.
Prescale Value (pscl)
It is possible to display the rate of rotation or the speed of a device or
machine to which the H7CX is mounted by converting input pulses to
a desired unit.
If this prescaling function is not used, the input frequency (Hz) will be
It is also possible to specify time (seconds) as the display value. Refer
to Display Unit on page page 31 for details.
The relationship between display and input is determined by the
following equation. Set the prescale value according to the unit to be
Displayed value = f
f: Input pulse frequency (number of pulses in 1 second)
(1) Displaying Rotation Rate
N: Number of pulses per revolution
Example: To display the rate of rotation for a machine that outputs 5
pulses per revolution in the form @@.@ rpm:
1. Set the decimal point position to 1 decimal places.
2. Using the formula, set the prescale value ( ) to 1/N
(2) Displaying Speed
1 input
2 inputs
Error ratio Counts 1 and 2
: Prescale value
Display unit
Display unit
Count 1
Counts 1 and 2 None
Counts 1 and 2
Counts 1 and 2
Count 1 input
Count 2 input
Count 1 input
Count 2 input
(Count 1 input
Count 2 input)
Count 2 input
Prescale value ( )
Prescale value ( )
Operation with only one input.
Operation with two
independent inputs.
Measuring the difference
between two inputs (error in
number of revolutions).
Measuring the ratio of two
inputs (ratio of number of
Measuring the ratio of error
for two inputs (measuring the
error ratio of number of
60 = 60/5 = 12.
N: Number of pulses per revolution
d: Diameter of rotating body (m)
* Output will turn ON, however, if a present value overflow occurs (FFFFFF or FFFF}.
Averaging Method (avgt) (Only for Tachometer Operation)
A simple average or moving average can be selected for the
averaging. With the moving average method, the average of the
measurement values is displayed each sampling cycle, in contrast to
a simple average, with which the the average of the set number of
samples is displayed.
Number of Averaging Times (avgn)★
Flickering display and output chattering can be prevented using
average processing. Average processing can be set to one of four
levels: no average processing, 2 times (i.e., the average of 2
measurement values), 4 times, 8 times, or 16 times.
The measurement cycle will be equal to the sampling cycle multiplied
by the average processing setting (i.e., the number of times).
Average processing enables stable displays even for fluctuating input
signals. Set the optimum number of times for the application.
Auto-zero Time (auto0)
The display can be force-set to 0 if there is no pulse for a certain
period of time. This time is called the auto-zero time. Set the auto-zero
time to a time slightly longer than the estimated interval between input
pulses. Accurate measurement is not possible if the auto-zero time is
set to a time shorter than the input pulse cycle. Setting a time that is
too long may also result in problems, such as a time-lag between
rotation stopping and the alarm turning ON. The auto-zero time is not
applied to pulse width measurements.
Startup Time (stmr)
To prevent undesired outputs resulting from unstable inputs
immediately after the power supply is turned ON, it is possible to
prohibit measurement for a set period of time, the startup time.
It can also be used to stop measurements and disable outputs until
the rotating body reaches the normal rate of rotation, after the power
supply to the H7CX and rotating body are turned ON at the same time.
• Observe the following points when
d: Circumference (m)
Note: If the prescale value setting is incorrect, a counting error will
setting a prescale value.
Set the set value to a value less than {Maximum countable value
Prescale value}.
Example: If the prescale value is 1.25 and the counting range is
0.000 to 999.999, set the set value to a value less than 998.749 (=
If the set value is set to a value greater than this, output will not turn
occur. Check that the settings are correct before using this
Comparison value
Power supply
(lower limit)
(lower limit)
Startup time
d: Diameter
of rotating
body (m)

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