CS61310 Cirrus Logic, Inc., CS61310 Datasheet - Page 22



Manufacturer Part Number
Long Haul T1 Line Interface Unit
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
SDO - Serial Data Output, Pin 25 (Host Mode).
CS - Chip Select, Pin 26 (Host Mode).
SCLK - Serial Clock Input, Pin 27 (Host Mode).
CLKE - Clock Edge Input, Pin 28 (Host Mode).
TCLK - Transmit Clock Input, Pin 2.
TPOS/TNEG - Transmit Positive Pulse, Transmit Negative Pulse, Pins 3 and 4.
TDATA - Transmit Data, Pin 3.
UBS - Unipolar / Bipolar Select, Pin 4.
NEG/RPOS - Receive Negative Pulse, Receive Positive Pulse, Pins 6 and 7.
BPV - Bipolar Violation, Pin 6.
Data Input/Output
Status and control information are output from the on-chip register on SDO. If CLKE is high, SDO is
valid on the rising edge of SCLK. If CLKE is low, SDO is valid on the falling edge of SCLK. SDO goes
to a high-impedance state when the serial port is being written to, or after bit D7 is output or CS goes
high (whichever occurs first).
The serial interface is accessible when CS transitions from high to low.
SCLK is used to write or read data bits to or from the serial port registers.
Setting CLKE to logic 1 causes RPOS and RNEG (RDATA) to be valid on the falling edge of RCLK, and
SDO to be valid on the rising edge of SCLK. Conversely, setting CLKE to logic 0 causes RPOS and
RNEG (RDATA) to be valid on the rising edge of RCLK and SDO to be valid on the falling edge of
The 1.544 MHz transmit clock is input on this pin. TPOS and TNEG or TDATA are sampled on the
falling edge of TCLK.
Data input to TPOS and TNEG is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK and transmitted onto the line at
TTIP and TRING. An input on TPOS results in transmission of a positive pulse; an input on TNEG
results in transmission of a negative pulse. If TNEG, pin 4, is held high for 16 TCLK cycles, the
CS61310 reconfigures for unipolar (single pin NRZ) data input at pin 3, TDATA. If TNEG goes low the
CS61310 switches back to two-pin bipolar data input format.
When pin 4, TNEG/UBS, is held high, pin 3 becomes TDATA, a single-line NRZ (unipolar) data input
sampled on the falling edge of TCLK.
When UBS is held high for 16 consecutive TCLK cycles (15 consecutive bipolar violations) the CS61310
reconfigures for unipolar (single-line NRZ) data input / output format. Pin 3 becomes TDATA, pin 7
becomes RDATA, and pin 6 becomes BPV.
Recovered data output on RPOS and RNEG is stable and valid on the rising edge of RCLK in Hardware
Mode. In Host Mode, CLKE determines the edge of RCLK on which RPOS and RNEG are valid. A
positive pulse on RTIP with respect to RRING generates a logic 1 on RPOS; a positive pulse on RRING
with respect to RTIP generates a logic 1 on RNEG.
When pin 4 (TNEG/UBS) is held high, received bipolar violations are flagged by BPV (RNEG) going
high along with the offending bit output from RDATA. If the B8ZS or HDB3 encoder/decoder is activated,
BPV will not flag bipolar violations resulting from valid zero substitutions.

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