HY29DL163 Hynix Semiconductor, HY29DL163 Datasheet - Page 17



Manufacturer Part Number
(HY29DL162 / HY29DL163) Simultaneous Read/Write Flash Memory
Hynix Semiconductor

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11 350
Legend and notes for Table 10:
X = Don’t Care
RA/RD = Memory address/data for the read operation
PA/PD = Memory address/data for the program operation
SA = A[19:12], sector address of the sector to be erased or verified (see Note 3 and Tables 1 and 2).
BA = A[19:18] or A[19:17], depending on the device version, bank address, see Note 3 and Table 3.
1. All values are in hexadecimal. DQ[15:8] are don’t care for unlock and command cycles.
2. All bus cycles are write operations unless otherwise noted.
3. Address is A[10:0] in Word mode and A[10:0, -1] in Byte mode. A[19:11] are don’t care except as follows:
4. The Erase Suspend command is valid only during a sector erase operation. The system may read and program in non-
5. The Erase Resume command is valid only during the Erase Suspend mode.
6. The fourth bus cycle is a read cycle.
7. The command is required only to return to the Read mode when the device is in the Electronic ID command mode or in
8 This command is valid only when the device is in Read mode or in Electronic ID mode.
9. The Unlock Bypass command is required prior to the Unlock Bypass Program command.
As described above, a Reset command is not nor-
mally required to begin reading array data. How-
ever, a Reset command must be issued in order
to read array data in the following cases:
The Reset command may also be used to abort
certain command sequences:
r1.3/June 01
If the device is in the Electronic ID mode, a
Reset command must be written to return to
the Read mode. If the device was in the Erase
Suspend mode when the device entered the
Electronic ID mode, writing the Reset command
returns the device to the Erase Suspend mode.
erasing sectors, or enter the Electronic ID mode, while in the Erase Suspend mode.
the CFI Query mode. It must also be issued to return to read mode if DQ[5] goes High during a program or erase
operation. It is not required for normal read operations.
Note: When in the Electronic ID bus operation mode,
the device returns to the Read mode when V
moved from the A[9] pin. The Reset command is not
required in this case.
If the device is in the CFI Query mode, a Reset
command must be written to return to the ar-
ray Read mode.
If DQ[5] (Exceeded Time Limit) goes High dur-
ing a program or erase operation, a Reset com-
mand must be invoked to return the sectors to
the Read mode (or to the Erase Suspend mode
if the device was in Erase Suspend when the
Program command was issued).
In a Sector Erase or Chip Erase command se-
quence, the Reset command may be written
at any time before erasing actually begins, in-
cluding, for the Sector Erase command, be-
For RA and PA, A[19:11] are the upper address bits of the byte to be read or programmed.
Where ‘SA’ is indicated, A[19:12] are the sector address.
Where ‘BA’ is indicated, A[19:18] or A[19:17], depending on the device version, are the bank address.
is re-
Enter /Exit Sec
The system can access the Sec
device by issuing the Enter Sec
sequence. The device continues to access the
Region command sequence, which returns the
device to normal operation.
tween the cycles that specify the sectors to be
erased (see Sector Erase command descrip-
tion). This aborts the command and resets the
device to the Read mode. Once erasure be-
gins, however, the device ignores the Reset
command until the operation is complete.
In a Program command sequence, the Reset
command may be written between the se-
quence cycles before programming actually be-
gins. This aborts the command and resets the
device to the Read mode, or to the Erase Sus-
pend mode if the Program command sequence
is written while the device is in the Erase Sus-
pend mode. Once programming begins, how-
ever, the device ignores the Reset command
until the operation is complete.
The Reset command may be written between
the cycles in an Electronic ID command se-
quence to abort that command. As described
above, once in the Electronic ID mode, the
Reset command must be written to return to
the array Read mode.
region until the system issues the Exit Sec
Command Sequence
Region command
region of the

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