ZR36057 ZORAN [Zoran Corporation], ZR36057 Datasheet - Page 13



Manufacturer Part Number
ZORAN [Zoran Corporation]
PXEN can be de-asserted dynamically (in the middle of a
process) in response to several different conditions. The
dynamic de-assertion is enabled independently by three config-
uration bits - VFIFO_FB, CFIFO_FB, RTBSY_FB. The host
software is allowed to set those bits only while the ZR36057 is
the sync master.
When VFIFO_FB is set, if the Video FIFO is close to overflow
status, PXEN is de-asserted to hold the ZR36016 video output
until the Video FIFO is emptied. When CFIFO_FB is set, if the
Code FIFO underflows, and CBUSY is asserted, PXEN is de-
asserted to hold the ZR36016 video output until the Code FIFO
is filled. When RTBSY_FB is set, if RTBSY is asserted by the
ZR36016 during the active portion of the field, PXEN is de-
asserted until RTBSY is de-asserted. RTBSY Signal Control
The ZR36057’s RTBSY input is connected to the ZR36016’s
CBSY output. The ZR36057 uses RTBSY to detect overflow and
underflow conditions in the ZR36016 strip memory.
In Motion Video Compression mode, RTBSY asserted at the
trailing edge of HSYNC, which indicates a strip buffer overflow,
stops the compression process for a field period until the begin-
ning of the following field.
In Motion Video Decompression mode, de-assertion of RTBSY
is used to decide when to initiate the decompression process.
In all modes, when RTBSY_FB is set, RTBSY is checked by the
ZR36057 at the following times:
The ZR36057 de-asserts PXEN if RTBSY is asserted at those
times. PXEN is asserted again after RTBSY is de-asserted.
5.2.4 Pixel Transfer In Still Image Compression Mode
The image is transferred by the host software to the ZR36057’s
extended 24-bit video bus. The host writes the pixels one by one
to a dedicated register (the Still Transfer register) in the
ZR36057. Each pixel is synchronized with the video clock and
transferred to the Video Interface port.
Two modes of host access are supported:
• Before the trailing edge of VSYNC, which triggers the start of
• During the active portion of the field.
• The host verifies, by polling, the availability of the Still Trans-
• The host configures the WaitState parameter and writes the
a new field process in the ZR36016,
fer register before each pixel write access. Typically, this
mode would be used after writing the first pixel of each line,
before writing the remainder of the line.
pixels continuously to the Still Transfer register. The
ZR36057 de-asserts the PCI TRDY signal every host access
with the timing specified by the WaitState parameter. Typi-
cally, this mode would be used to transfer the pixels of a line
after the first.
Enhanced PCI Bus Multimedia Controller
The Still Transfer write protocol and the associated internal
mechanism of the ZR36057 are described below:
5.2.5 Pixel Transfer In Still Image Decompression Mode
The image is transferred from the ZR36057’s extended 24-bit
video bus to system memory. The host software reads the pixels
one by one from the Still Transfer register. After each pixel is
fetched from the video port, it is synchronized with the PCI clock,
ready to be read by the software.
Before each read access, the host software should check the
Still_Bsy bit to verify availability of data in the register. The
register contents are valid only if the Still_Bsy bit is 0. Note that
by configuring the WaitState parameter, it is possible to ensure
that the Still Transfer register will be valid every read access,
making it unnecessary to check the Still_Bsy bit.
The protocol for a still image decompression read operation, and
the ZR36057’s behavior, are as follows:
5.3 GuestBus Interface
The ZR36057 masters a generic MCU-style bus intended to con-
currently host up to eight slave devices (referred to as “guests”).
The bus consists of 8 data lines (GDAT[7:0]), 3 address lines
(GADR[2:0]), 8 active-low chip-select lines (GCS [7:0] ), read and
write signals (GRD, GWR), and a wait-state insertion line
(GWS). The bus also includes two interrupt-request inputs
(GIRQ[1:0]) and one status/acknowledge input (GRDY). Three
types of data transfers are possible on the guest bus. One is a
code-write cycle, initiated by the code DMA controller of the
ZR36057, targeted to one of the guests, configured a priori for
• The host writes a pixel using a single data phase memory
• The Still_Bsy bit is set.
• The incoming pixel is synchronized with the Video Interface
• Feedback from the Video Interface resets the Still_Bsy bit,
• The ZR36057 checks the Still_Bsy bit. If it is 1, meaning that
• PXEN is asserted, causing a new pixel to be driven onto the
• The new pixel is synchronized with the PCI clock and
• Still_Bsy is reset to 0, to indicate that a new valid pixel is
• The host software reads the pixel by means of a memory
write cycle. The pixel is latched in the Still Transfer register
using the PCI clock.
clock. The PXEN output signal is asserted and the pixel is
driven out on the correct video clock phase.
indicating that the video port is empty and the following host
write is permitted.
the previous valid pixel was read by the host, the ZR36057
fetches a new pixel from the ZR36016.
video bus.
latched in the Still Transfer register.
read access to the Still Transfer register, and Still_Bsy is set
to 1.

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