ZR36057 ZORAN [Zoran Corporation], ZR36057 Datasheet - Page 16



Manufacturer Part Number
ZORAN [Zoran Corporation]
Enhanced PCI Bus Multimedia Controller
5.5 Codec Bus Interface
The Codec Front End (CFE) interfaces to the ZR36050 JPEG
Codec to transfer code (compressed data) to or from the
ZR36057. The CFE is designed to operate with the ZR36050
configured in Code Bus Master mode. In Compression mode,
the CFE receives the code stream from the codec and transfers
it to the Code FIFO. In Decompression mode, the CFE transfers
the code stream from the Code FIFO to the codec in response
to the codec’s read requests.
The CFE uses the CODE[7..0] bus to transfer the code using the
handshaking signals CCS and CBUSY, synchronized to
VCLKx2. The ZR36057 supports the highest ZR36050 code bus
transfer rate, one clock cycle per byte transfer (ZR36050 CFIS
parameter = 0).
5.5.1 Compression Mode Code Transactions
The functional timing diagram for compression is shown in
Figure 5.
In this example, two code bytes are transferred from the
ZR36050 to the ZR36057. The falling edge of CCS designates
the start of the cycle. The data is driven by the ZR36050 at the
• The host writes a full doubleword to the PostOffice register,
• The ZR36057 completes the current code-write cycle, if one
• The host may read the PostOffice register, to verify that the
• Note that in multiple (back-to-back) PostOffice operations
containing the guest’s identity (0,..,7), the specific guest reg-
ister (0,...,7), and an indication that this is a read request
(direction bit = 0). The data portion of the doubleword is
meaningless, but should be set to a byte of zeros. As a result
of writing to the PostOffice data byte, the PostOffice pending
bit is set to ‘1’.
is being executed, and before executing the next code-write
cycle (if one is needed), it executes the pending PostOffice
request. It transfers the byte read from the guest to bits 7...0
of the PostOffice register. At the completion of the GuestBus
read cycle it clears the request pending bit.
pending bit is ‘0’, meaning that the read request has been
completed and the data portion of the PostOffice register is
the result.
the host has to poll the request pending bit only once be-
tween two requests, since reading this bit zero indicates
both that the previous request has been completed and that
the next request can be made.
rising edge of VCLKx2. The ZR36057’s Codec Interface
samples the data with VCLKx2 enabled by CCS.
5.5.2 Decompression Mode Code Transactions
The functional timing diagram for decompression is shown in
Figure 6.
In this example, two code bytes are transferred from the
ZR36057 to the ZR36050. The falling edge of CCS designates
the start of the cycle. The data is driven by the ZR36057. The
ZR36050 samples the data with the rising edge of COE (note
that COE is not an input to the ZR36057; it is mentioned here
only for the completeness of the description).
5.5.3 Transaction Termination
The ZR36050 is the master of the code transactions in Compres-
sion and Decompression modes. Any number of bytes can be
transferred in a contiguous burst transaction. The ZR36057 uses
the ZR36050’s CBUSY to block CODE bus transactions, in order
to prevent overflow of the Code FIFO in compression or under-
flow in decompression. Figure 7 shows the functional timing
diagram for CODE bus transaction termination.
The ZR36050 examines CBUSY one clock cycle prior to the
beginning of each access cycle. The ZR36057 asserts CBUSY
one VCLKx2 cycle before the beginning of the last desired code
transfer cycle.
Figure 6. Decompression Mode Code Transactions
Figure 5. Compression Mode Code Transactions
(Not an Input to
the ZR36057)
Figure 7. Transaction Termination
This access is blocked.

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