LTC4212CMSTR Linear Technology, LTC4212CMSTR Datasheet - Page 16


Manufacturer Part Number
Linear Technology

Specifications of LTC4212CMSTR

Linear Misc Type
Positive Low Voltage
Family Name
Package Type
Operating Supply Voltage (min)
Operating Supply Voltage (max)
Operating Temperature (min)
Operating Temperature (max)
Operating Temperature Classification
Product Depth (mm)
Product Height (mm)
Product Length (mm)
Surface Mount
Pin Count
Lead Free Status / Rohs Status
Not Compliant
Electronic Circuit Breaker (ECB) Reset Sequence
The ECB reset sequence is shown in Figure 2 from Time
Points 17 through 19. At Time Point 17, the ON pin is taken
low. Ten microseconds later at Time Point 18, the internal
logic is reset and a 200 A source is connected to the GATE
pin to pull the pin to ground. 120 s after ON goes low
(Time Point 19), the ECB is reset. When the ON pin is taken
high at Time Point 20 a new first timing cycle is started. If
the time from Time Point 17 to Time Point 18 is less than
120 s, the ECB is not reset and taking the ON pin high at
Time Point 20 will not start a new first timing cycle.
Power Good Timeout Fault Sequence
Figure 3 shows a power-up sequence in which the DC/DC
converters do not enter regulation on time and the power
good trips the ECB. The sequence is the same as for the
normal power-up in Figure 2 until Time Point 12 when the
power good timer times out and the PGI pin is sampled.
Since PGI is low, the power good circuit trips the ECB. The
GATE pin is pulled to ground immediately to disconnect
power to the board and the FAULT pin is latched to a
low state. The PGT and PGF pins are pulled to GND
internally by N-channel FETs. To reconnect the board to
the backplane supply, the ON pin must be taken low for at
least 120 s to reset the ECB and then high again to start
a new first timing cycle.
Overcurrent Fault Sequence
Figure 4 shows a power-up sequence with SLOW COMP
tripping the ECB. At the beginning of the second timing
cycle (Time Point 6), the GATE pin is connected to the soft-
start circuit and FAST COMP is armed but it does not
usually trip the ECB due to the action of the soft-start
circuit on the GATE pin. The soft-start circuit regulates the
voltage across the R
Point 8, the soft-start circuit is disconnected. A 10 A
current source pulls the GATE pin up and SLOW COMP is
armed. If a short occurs and the voltage across R
jumps above 50mV for more than 18 s but is less than
resistor to 50mV. At Time
150mV, SLOW COMP trips the ECB (Time Point 10). If the
voltage across R
more, FAST COMP will trip the ECB.
When the ECB trips, the GATE pin is driven to GND
immediately to shut off the external N-channel FET and
disconnect the board from the backplane supply. The
FAULT pin is latched to a low state and the power good
circuit is reset. The PGT and PGF pins are shorted to
ground by internal N-channel FETs. In order to reset the
fault latch, the ON pin must be taken low for more than
120 s (Time Points 12 to 14). After that, taking the ON pin
high (Time Point 15) starts a new power-up sequence.
Autoretry Sequence
Once the circuit breaker trips, the LTC4212 can be config-
ured to autoretry that is attempt to reconnect the backplane
supply automatically. Both FAULT and ON pins are tied
together to an external pull-up resistor to V
to a delay capacitor (C
Figure 6 shows two autoretry sequences caused by a
persistent short. When the circuit breaker trips (Time
Point 9), an internal N-channel FET at the FAULT pin is
turned on to pull the pin low. This discharges the autoretry
capacitor, C
age drops below 0.455V for 10 s (from Time Point 10),
internal logic is reset and a 200 A current source is
connected to the GATE pin. The GATE pin is already pulled
down to ground at Time Point 9. The circuit breaker is not
reset so that the FAULT pin continues to discharge C
After the ON pin has dropped below 0.455V for more than
120 s (Time Point 11), the circuit breaker is reset. The
N-channel FET at the FAULT pin is switched off and the
pull-up resistor at the ON pin starts to charge C
towards the upper 1.316V threshold of the ON pin. Once
the ON pin voltage rises above 1.316V, the first timing
cycle is started. The total cooling off period for the external
N-channel FET starts at Time Point 9 when the circuit
breaker trips to Time Point 15 when the second timing
cycle is started.
towards ground. When the ON pin volt-
jumps above 150mV for 500ns or
) as shown in Figure 5.
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