CS61310-CL Cirrus Logic, Inc., CS61310-CL Datasheet - Page 17



Manufacturer Part Number
Interface, T1 Line Interface Unit
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
In addition to the predefined pulse shapes, the
user can create custom pulse shapes using the
host mode. This flexibility allows the board design-
er to accommodate non-standard cables, EMI fil-
ters, protection circuitry, etc.
The arbitrary pulse shape of mark (a transmitted
“1”) is specified by describing it's pulse shape
across three Unit Intervals (UIs). This allows, for
example, the long haul return-to-zero tail to extend
into the next UI, or two UIs, as is required for iso-
lated pulses.
Each UI is divided into multiple phases, and the us-
ers defines the amplitude of each phase. The
waveform of a space (a transmitted “0”) is fixed at
zero volts. Examples of the phases are shown in
Figure 11. In all cases, to define an arbitrary wave-
form, the user writes to the Waveform Register ei-
ther 36, 39 or 42 times (12, 13 or 14 phases per UI
for three UIs). The phases are written in the order:
UI2/phase1, ... , UI2/phase14, UI3/phase1, ... ,
For DSX-1 and DS1 applications, the CS61310 di-
vides the 648 ns UI into 13 uniform phases (49.8 ns
each), and will ignore the phase amplitude infor-
mation written for phase 14 of each UI.
When transmitting pulses, the CS61310 will add
the amplitude information from the prior two sym-
DS440F1 FEB ‘03
Figure 11. Phase Definition of Arbitrary Waveforms
D S X -1 (54 % d uty cy cle) A rbitrary W av eform E x am ple
D S -1 (5 0 % d uty cyc le ) Arb itrary W a vefo rm E xam ple
bols with the amplitude of the first UI of the current
symbol before outputting a signal on TTIP/TRING.
Therefore, a mark preceded by two spaces will be
output exactly as the mark is programmed. Howev-
er, when one mark is preceded by marks, the first
portion of the last mark may be modified. With AMI
data, where successive pulses have opposite po-
larity, the undershoot tail of one pulse will cause
the rising edge of the next mark to rise more quick-
ly, as shown in Figure 12.
The amplitude of each phase is described by a 7-
bit, 2's complement number, where a positive val-
ue describes pulse amplitude, and a negative val-
ue describes pulse undershoot. The positive full
value is hex 3F. The negative full value is hex 40.
For T1, the typical output voltage is 38 mV/LSB
(peak voltage across the TTIP and TRING out-
On the secondary of a 1:2 step-up transformer, the
mV/LSB is twice the values stated above. Note that
although the full scale digital input is 3F, it is rec-
ommended that full scale output voltage on the
transformer primary be limited to 2.4 Vpk. At higher
output voltages, the driver may not drive the re-
quested output voltage.
The amplitude information for all phases is written
via the serial-port to Arbitrary Pulse Shape regis-
ters as described in an earlier section. Each phase
Figure 12. Example of Summing of Waveforms

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