dspic33fj16gs404t-i-pt Microchip Technology Inc., dspic33fj16gs404t-i-pt Datasheet - Page 336



Manufacturer Part Number
High-performance, 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers
Microchip Technology Inc.
dsPIC33FJ06GS101/X02 and dsPIC33FJ16GSX02/X04
DS70318D-page 334
Section 8.0 “Oscillator
Section 10.0 “I/O Ports”
Section 15.0 “High-Speed PWM”
Section 16.0 “Serial Peripheral
Interface (SPI)”
Section 18.0 “Universal
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
Section 19.0 “High-Speed 10-bit
Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)”
Section Name
Added Note 2 to the Oscillator System Diagram (see Figure 8-1).
Added a paragraph regarding FRC accuracy at the end of Section 8.1.1
“System Clock Sources”.
Added Note 1 and Note 2 to the OSCON register (see Register ).
Added Note 1 to the OSCTUN register (see Register 8-4).
Added Note 3 to Section 8.4.2 “Oscillator Switching Sequence”.
Removed Table 9-1 and added reference to pin diagrams for I/O pin
availability and functionality.
Added paragraph on ADPCFG register default values to Section 10.2
“Configuring Analog Port Pins”.
Added Note box regarding PPS functionality with input mapping to
Section “Input Mapping”.
Updated Note 2 in the PTCON register (see Register 15-1).
Added Note 4 to the PWMCONx register (see Register 15-6).
Updated Notes for the PHASEx and SPHASEx registers (see Register 15-9
and Register 15-10, respectively).
Added Note 2 and Note 3 to the SPIxCON1 register (see Register 16-2).
Updated the Notes in the UxMode register (see Register 18-1).
Updated the UTXINV bit settings in the UxSTA register and added Note 1
(see Register 18-2).
Updated the SLOWCLK and ADCS<2:0> bit settings and updated Note 1in
the ADCON register (see Register 19-1).
Removed all notes in the ADPCFG register and replaced them with a single
note (see Register 19-4).
Updated the SWTRGx bit settings in the ADCPCx registers (see
Register 19-5, Register 19-6, Register 19-7, and Register 19-8).
Update Description
© 2009 Microchip Technology Inc.

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