CS4239-JQ CIRRUS [Cirrus Logic], CS4239-JQ Datasheet - Page 17



Manufacturer Part Number
CIRRUS [Cirrus Logic]

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Part Number
Part Number:
the key and place the part into the Plug-and-Play
(PnP) mode. Another method to program the part
is to use a special Crystal initiation key which
functions like the PnP initiation key, but can be
invoked by the user at any time. However, the
Crystal Key only supports one Cirrus Audio part
per system. The Crystal key and special com-
mands are detailed in the Crystal Key and
Bypassing PnP sections.
The isolation sequence uses a unique 72-bit se-
rial identifier. The host performs 72 pairs of I/O
read accesses to the Read Data port. The identi-
fier determines what data is put on the data bus
in response to those read accesses. When the iso-
lation sequence is complete, the CM assigns a
Card Select Number (CSN) to the part. This
number distinguishes the CS4239 from the other
PnP devices in the system. The Configuration
Manager (CM) then reads the resource data from
the CS4239. The 72-bit identifier and the re-
source data is either stored in an external
user-programmable E
"hostload" procedure from BIOS before PnP
software is initiated.
The CM determines the necessary resource re-
quirements for the system and then programs the
part through the configuration registers. The con-
figuration register data is written one logical
device at a time. After all logical devices have
been configured, CM activates each device indi-
vidually. Each logical device is now available on
the ISA bus and responds to the programmed
address range, DMA channels, and interrupts that
have been allocated to that logical device.
PnP Data
Hardware Configuration and Plug-and-Play re-
source data can be loaded into the part’s RAM.
The data may be stored in an external E
or may be downloaded from the host. Internal
default PnP data is provided for motherboard de-
PROM, or loaded via a
To load the data, refer to the Loading Resource
Data section. The following is the Plug-and-Play
resource data:
The first nine bytes of the PnP resource data are
the Plug-and-Play ID, which uniquely identifies
the CS4239 from other PnP devices. The PnP ID
is broken down as follows:
Of the 9-byte serial number listed above, Cirrus
software uses the first two bytes to indicate the
presence of a Cirrus ISA Audio part, and the
fourth byte, 0x29, to indicate the CS4239; there-
fore, these three bytes must not be altered. The
part default in hex is 0E634236FFFFFFFFA9 for
backwards compatibility.
The next 3 bytes are the PnP version number.
The default is version 1.0a: 0Ah, 10h, 05h.
The next sequence of bytes are the ANSI identi-
fier string. The default is: 82h, 0Eh, 00h,
’Crystal Codec’, 00h.
The logical device data must be entered using
the PnP ISA Specification format. Typical logical
device values are found in Table 1. Internal de-
fault E
Loading Resource Data
A serial E
mable serial number and resource data to be
stored in an external E
compatible with devices from a number of ven-
0Eh, 63h - Crystal ID - ’CSC’ in compressed
42h - Oem ID. A unique Oem ID must be ob-
29h - Cirrus product ID for the CS4239
FFh, FFh, FFh, FFh - Serial number. This can
??h - Checksum.
PROM data is found in Appendix A.
CrystalClear Portable ISA Audio System
PROM interface allows user-program-
ASCII. (See the PnP Spec for more
tained from Cirrus for each unique
Cirrus ISA Audio product used.
be modified by each OEM to uniquely
identify their card.
PROM. The interface is

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