P80C31SFPN PHILIPS [NXP Semiconductors], P80C31SFPN Datasheet
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OTP/ROM/ROMless low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Product specification Supersedes data of 1999 Apr 01 IC28 Data Handbook INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 2000 Jan 20 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) DESCRIPTION The Philips 8XC51/ high-performance static 80C51 design fabricated with Philips high-density CMOS technology with operation from 2.7V to 5.5V. The ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) 80C51/87C51 AND 80C31 ORDERING INFORMATION MEMORY SIZE ROMless 4K 8 ROM P80C51SBPN P80C31SBPN P80C31SBPN OTP P87C51SBPN ROM P80C51SBAA P80C31SBAA P80C31SBAA OTP P87C51SBAA ROM ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) BLOCK DIAGRAM RAM ADDR RAM REGISTER B ACC REGISTER PSEN ALE/PROG TIMING AND EAV PP CONTROL RST PD OSCILLATOR ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) LOGIC SYMBOL XTAL1 XTAL2 RST EA/V PP PSEN ALE/PROG RxD TxD INT0 INT1 PIN CONFIGURATIONS ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN NUMBER MNEMONIC DIP LCC QFP TYPE NAME AND FUNCTION ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Table 1. 8XC51/80C31 Special Function Registers DIRECT SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ADDRESS ACC* Accumulator E0H AUXR# Auxiliary 8EH AUXR1# Auxiliary 1 A2H B* B register ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) OSCILLATOR CHARACTERISTICS XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively inverting amplifier. The pins can be configured for use as ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Programmable Clock-Out A 50% duty cycle clock can be programmed to come out on P1.0. This pin, besides being a regular I/O pin, ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) (MSB) TF2 EXF2 Symbol Position Name and Significance TF2 T2CON.7 Timer 2 overflow flag set by a Timer 2 overflow and must be ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) T2MOD Address = 0C9H Not Bit Addressable — — Bit 7 6 Symbol Function — Not implemented, reserved for future use.* T2OE Timer ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) OSC PIN TR2 NOTE: OSC. Freq. is divided by 2, not 12. OSC 2 C/T2 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Baud Rate Generator Mode Bits TCLK and/or RCLK in T2CON (Table 3) allow the serial port transmit and receive baud rates to be ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Table 5. Timer Timer MODE MODE 16-bit Auto-Reload 16-bit Capture Baud rate generator receive and transmit same baud rate Receive ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) and 1 and exclude Slave 2 use address 1110 0100, since it is necessary to make bit exclude slave ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) D0 START BIT SM0 / FE SMOD1 SMOD0 0 : SCON.7 = SM0 1 : SCON RECEIVED ADDRESS D0 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Interrupt Priority Structure The 8XC51 and 80C31 only have a 6-source four-level interrupt structure. They are the IE, IP and IPH. (See Figures ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz (0B8H) — — Priority Bit = 1 assigns higher priority Priority Bit = 0 assigns lower priority BIT SYMBOL FUNCTION IP.7 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Reduced EMI Mode The AO bit (AUXR.0) in the AUXR register when set disables the ALE output. Reduced EMI Mode AUXR (8EH) 7 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER Operating temperature under bias Storage temperature range Voltage on EA/V pin Voltage ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + – + 2.7V to 5.5V, V amb ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + – +85 C, 33MHz devices; 5V 10%; V amb SYMBOL ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + – + amb CC SYMBOL FIGURE PARAMETER 1/t ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + – + amb CC SYMBOL FIGURE t 14 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) EXPLANATION OF THE AC SYMBOLS Each timing symbol has five characters. The first character is always ‘t’ (= time). The other characters, depending ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) ALE PSEN t LLWL WR t LLAX t AVLL A0–A7 PORT 0 FROM RI OR DPL t AVWL PORT 2 INSTRUCTION 0 1 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) V –0.5 CC 0.2V +0.9 CC 0.2V –0.1 CC 0.45V NOTE: AC inputs during testing are driven at V –0.5 for a logic ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz RST (NC) XTAL2 CLOCK SIGNAL XTAL1 V SS Figure 22. I Test Condition, Active Mode CC All other pins are disconnected ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) EPROM CHARACTERISTICS All these devices can be programmed by using a modified Improved Quick-Pulse Programming algorithm. It differs from older methods in the ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Table 8. EPROM Programming Modes MODE RST Read signature 1 Program code data 1 Verify code data 1 Pgm encryption table 1 Pgm ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) A0– 4–6MHz 5 PULSES ALE/PROG: SEE EXPLODED VIEW BELOW 1 0 ALE/PROG: A0– ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) EPROM PROGRAMMING AND VERIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS + 10 (See Figure 29) amb ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) MASK ROM DEVICES Security Bits With none of the security bits programmed the code in the program memory can be verified. If the ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) DIP40: plastic dual in-line package; 40 leads (600 mil) 2000 Jan 20 80C51/87C51/80C31 34 Product specification SOT129-1 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) PLCC44: plastic leaded chip carrier; 44 leads 2000 Jan 20 80C51/87C51/80C31 35 Product specification SOT187-2 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) QFP44: plastic quad flat package; 44 leads (lead length 1.3 mm); body 1.75 mm 2000 Jan 20 80C51/87C51/80C31 36 ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) 2000 Jan 20 80C51/87C51/80C31 NOTES 37 Product specification ...
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Philips Semiconductors 80C51 8-bit microcontroller family 4K/128 OTP/ROM/ROMless, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power, high speed (33 MHz) Data sheet status Data sheet Product Definition status status Objective Development This data sheet contains the design target or goal specifications for product ...