LTC2171-14 LINER [Linear Technology], LTC2171-14 Datasheet - Page 18



Manufacturer Part Number
Quad 14-Bit, 125Msps ADC with Integrated Drivers
LINER [Linear Technology]
applicaTions inForMaTion
Sleep and Nap Modes
The A/D may be placed in sleep or nap modes to conserve
power. In sleep mode the entire chip is powered down, re-
sulting in 3mW power consumption. Sleep mode is enabled
by mode control register A1 (serial programming mode),
or by SDI (parallel programming mode). The amount of
time required to recover from sleep mode depends on the
size of the bypass capacitors on V
For the internal capacitor values and no additional external
capacitance, the A/D will stabilize after 2ms.
In nap mode any combination of A/D channels can be
powered down while the internal reference circuits and the
PLL stay active, allowing faster wakeup than from sleep
mode. Recovering from nap mode requires at least 100
clock cycles. If the application demands very accurate DC
settling then an additional 50μs should be allowed so the
on-chip references can settle from the slight temperature
shift caused by the change in supply current as the A/D
leaves nap mode. Nap mode is enabled by mode control
register A1 in the serial programming mode.
Driver Amplifier Shutdown (SHDN)
The ADC drivers may be placed in shutdown mode to
conserve power independently from the ADC core. Each
ADC driver has an independent SHDN pin but it is expected
that all four will be tied together.
The operating modes of the LTM9012 can be programmed
by either a parallel interface or a simple serial interface.
The serial interface has more flexibility and can program
all available modes. The parallel interface is more limited
and can only program some of the more commonly used
, REFH, and REFL.
Parallel Programming Mode
To use the parallel programming mode, PAR/SER should
be tied to V
logic inputs that set certain operating modes. These pins
can be tied to V
3.3V CMOS logic. When used as an input, SDO should
be driven through a 1k series resistor. Table 3 shows the
modes set by CS, SCK, SDI and SDO.
Table 3. Parallel Programming Mode Control Bits
Serial Programming Mode
To use the serial programming mode, PAR/SER should be
tied to ground. The CS, SCK, SDI and SDO pins become a
serial interface that program the A/D mode control registers.
Data is written to a register with a 16-bit serial word. Data
can also be read back from a register to verify its contents.
Serial data transfer starts when CS is taken low. The data
on the SDI pin is latched at the first 16 rising edges of
SCK. Any SCK rising edges after the first 16 are ignored.
The data transfer ends when CS is taken high again.
The first bit of the 16-bit input word is the R/W bit. The
next seven bits are the address of the register (A6:A0).
The final eight bits are the register data (D7:D0).
If the R/W bit is low, the serial data (D7:D0) will be writ-
ten to the register set by the address bits (A6:A0). If the
R/W bit is high, data in the register set by the address bits
(A6:A0) will be read back on the SDO pin (see the Timing
Diagrams sections). During a read back command the
register is not updated and data on SDI is ignored.
. The CS, SCK, SDI and SDO pins are binary
2-Lane/1-Lane Selection Bit
0 = 2-Lane, 16-Bit Serialization Output Mode
1 = 1-Lane, 14-Bit Serialization Output Mode
LVDS Current Selection Bit
0 = 3.5mA LVDS Current Mode
1 = 1.75mA LVDS Current Mode
Power Down Control Bit
0 = Normal Operation
1 = Sleep Mode
Internal Termination Selection Bit
0 = Internal Termination Disabled
1 = Internal Termination Enabled
or ground, or driven by 1.8V, 2.5V, or

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