Z8F160x Zilog, Z8F160x Datasheet - Page 89



Manufacturer Part Number
Z8 Encore / Microcontrollers with Flash Memory and 10 Bit A/D Converter
Z8 Encore!
Capture mode
0 = Count is captured on the rising edge of the Timer Input signal.
1 = Count is captured on the falling edge of the Timer Input signal.
Compare mode
When the timer is disabled, the Timer Output signal is set to the value of this bit.
When the timer is enabled, the Timer Output signal is complemented upon timer
Gated mode
0 = Timer counts when the Timer Input signal is High (1) and interrupts are generated
on the falling edge of the Timer Input.
1 = Timer counts when the Timer Input signal is Low (0) and interrupts are generated
on the rising edge of the Timer Input.
Capture/Compare mode
0 = Counting is started on the first rising edge of the Timer Input signal. The current
count is captured on subsequent rising edges of the Timer Input signal.
1 = Counting is started on the first falling edge of the Timer Input signal. The current
count is captured on subsequent falling edges of the Timer Input signal.
PRES—Prescale value.
The timer input clock is divided by 2
, where PRES can be set from 0 to 7. The
prescaler is reset each time the Timer is disabled. This insures proper clock division
each time the Timer is restarted.
000 = Divide by 1
001 = Divide by 2
010 = Divide by 4
011 = Divide by 8
100 = Divide by 16
101 = Divide by 32
110 = Divide by 64
111 = Divide by 128
TMODE—Timer mode
000 = One-Shot mode
001 = Continuous mode
010 = Counter mode
011 = PWM mode
100 = Capture mode
101 = Compare mode
110 = Gated mode
111 = Capture/Compare mode

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