am42bds640ag Meet Spansion Inc., am42bds640ag Datasheet - Page 24



Manufacturer Part Number
64 Megabit 4 M ? 16-bit Cmos 1.8 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation, Burst Mode Flash Memory And 16 Mbit 1 M ? 16-bit Static Ram Preliminary
Meet Spansion Inc.
Writing specific address and data commands or
sequences into the command register initiates device
p a g e 3 0
sequences. Writing incorrect address and data values
or writing them in the improper sequence resets the
device to reading array data.
Refer to the AC Characteristics section for timing dia-
Reading Array Data
The device is automatically set to reading array data
after device power-up. No commands are required to
retrieve data in asynchronous mode. Each bank is
rea dy to r ead ar ray data after c ompl eting a n
Embedded Program or Embedded Erase algorithm.
After the device accepts an Erase Suspend command,
the corresponding bank enters the erase-sus-
pend-read mode, after which the system can read data
from any non-erase-suspended sector within the same
bank. After completing a programming operation in the
Erase Suspend mode, the system may once again
read array data with the same exception. See the
“Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands” section
on page 28
The system must issue the reset command to return a
bank to the read (or erase-suspend-read) mode if DQ5
goes high during an active program or erase operation,
or if the bank is in the autoselect mode. See the
Command” section on page 25
See also
ation (Non-Burst)”
(Burst) Read Operation”
The Asynchronous Read and Synchronous/Burst
Read tables provide the read parameters, and Figures
11, 13, and
Set Burst Mode Configuration Register
Command Sequence
The device uses a burst mode configuration register to
set the various burst parameters: number of wait
states, burst read mode, active clock edge, RDY con-
figuration, and synchronous mode active. The burst
mode configuration register must be set before the
device will enter burst mode.
The burst mode configuration register is loaded with a
three-cycle command sequence. The first two cycles
are standard unlock sequences. On the third cycle, the
data should be C0h, address bits A11–A0 should be
November 1, 2002
“Requirements for Asynchronous Read Oper-
d e f i n e s th e v a l i d r e g i s t e r c o m m a n d
section for more information.
Table 14, “Command Definitions,” on
show the timings.
“Requirements for Synchronous
sections for more information.
section for more infor-
555h, and address bits A19–A12 set the code to be
latched. The device will power up or after a hardware
reset with the default setting, which is in asynchronous
mode. The register must be set before the device can
enter synchronous mode. The burst mode configura-
tion register can not be changed during device opera-
tions (program, erase, or sector lock).
Read Mode Setting
On power-up or hardware reset, the device is set to be
in asynchronous read mode. This setting allows the
system to enable or disable burst mode during system
operations. Address A19 determines this setting: “1’ for
asynchronous mode, “0” for synchronous mode.
Programmable Wait State Configuration
The programmable wait state feature informs the
device of the number of clock cycles that must elapse
after AVD# is driven active before data will be available.
This value is determined by the input frequency of the
device. Address bits A14–A12 determine the setting
The wait state command sequence instructs the device
to set a particular number of clock cycles for the initial
access in burst mode. The number of wait states that
should be programmed into the device is directly
related to the clock frequency.
Figure 1. Synchronous/Asynchronous State
Configuration Register
Synchronous Mode
Set Burst Mode
Command for
(A19 = 0)
Asynchronous Read
Synchronous Read
Hardware Reset
Mode Only
Mode Only
Configuration Register
Asynchronous Mode
Set Burst Mode
Command for
(A19 = 1)

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