AM79C971KCW AMD [Advanced Micro Devices], AM79C971KCW Datasheet - Page 82



Manufacturer Part Number
AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]
The SFBD signal will initially be LOW. The assertion of
SFBD is a signal to the external address detection logic
that the SFD has been detected and that subsequent
SRDCLK cycles will deliver packet data to the external
logic. Therefore, when SFBD is asserted, the external
address matching logic should begin de-serialization of
the SRD data and send the resulting destination ad-
dress to a Content Addressable Memory (CAM) or
other address detection device. In order to reduce the
amount of logic external to the Am79C971 controller for
multiple address decoding systems, the SFBD signal
will toggle at each new byte boundary within the
packet, subsequent to the SFD. This eliminates the
need for externally supplying byte framing logic.
SRD is the decoded NRZ data from the network. This
signal can be used for external address detection. Note
that when the 10BASE-T port is selected, transitions on
SRD will only occur during receive activity. When the
AUI or GPSI port is selected, transitions on SRD will
occur during receive activity.
The EAR pin should be driven LOW by the external ad-
dress comparison logic to reject a frame.
If an address match is detected by comparison with ei-
ther the Physical Address or Logical Address Filter reg-
isters contained within the Am79C971 controller or the
frame is of the type ’Broadcast’, then the frame will be
accepted regardless of the condition of EAR. When the
EADISEL bit of BCR2 is set to 1 and the Am79C971
controller is programmed to promiscuous mode
(PROM bit of the Mode Register is set to 1), then all in-
coming frames will be accepted, regardless of any ac-
tivity on the EAR pin.
Internal address match is disabled when PROM
(CSR15, bit 15) is cleared to 0, DRCVBC (CSR15, bit
14) and DRCVPA (CSR15, bit 13) are set to 1, and the
Logical Address Filter registers (CSR8 to CSR11) are
programmed to all zeros.
When the EADISEL bit of BCR2 is set to 1 and internal
address match is disabled, then all incoming frames
will be accepted by the Am79C971 controller, unless
the EAR pin becomes active during the first 64 bytes of
the frame (excluding preamble and SFD). This allows
external address lookup logic approximately 58 byte
times after the last destination address bit is available
to generate the EAR signal, assuming that the
Am79C971 controller is not configured to accept runt
packets. The EADI logic only samples EAR from 2 bit
times after SFD until 512 bit times (64 bytes) after SFD.
The frame will be accepted if EAR has not been as-
serted during this window. If Runt Packet Accept
(CSR124, bit 3) is enabled, then the EAR signal must
be generated prior to the 8 bytes received, if frame re-
jection is to be guaranteed. Runt packet sizes could be
as short as 12 byte times (assuming 6 bytes for source
address, 2 bytes for length, no data, 4 bytes for FCS)
after the last bit of the destination address is available.
EAR must have a pulse width of at least 110 ns.
The EADI outputs continue to provide data throughout
the reception of a frame. This allows the external logic
to capture frame header information to determine pro-
tocol type, internetworking information, and other use-
ful data.
The EADI interface will operate as long as the STRT bit
in CSR0 is set, even if the receiver and/or transmitter
are disabled by software (DTX and DRX bits in CSR15
are set). This configuration is useful as a semi-power-
down mode in that the Am79C971 controller will not
perform any power-consuming DMA operations. How-
ever, external circuitry can still respond to control
frames on the network to facilitate remote node control.
Table 11 summarizes the operation of the EADI inter-
External Address Detection Interface: External
When using the MII, the EADI interface changes to re-
flect the changes on that interface. Except for the nota-
tions below the interface conforms to the previous
functionality. The data arrives in nibbles and can be at
a rate of 25 MHz or 2.5 MHz.
The MII provides all necessary data and clock signals
needed for the EADI interface. Consequently, SRDCLK
and SRD are not used and are driven to 0. Data for the
EADI is the RXD(3:0) receive data provided to the MII.
Instead of deserializing the network data, the user will
receive the data as 4 bit nibbles. RX_CLK is provided
to allow clocking of the RXD(3:0) receive nibble stream
into the external address detection logic. The RXD(3:0)
data is synchronous to the rising edge of the RX_CLK.
The assertion of SFBD is a signal to the external ad-
dress detection logic that the SFD has been detected
and that the first valid data nibble is on the RXD(3:0)
data bus. The SFBD signal is delayed one RX_CLK
cycle from the above definition and actually signals the
start of valid data. In order to reduce the amount of
logic external to the Am79C971 controller for multiple
Table 11. EADI Operations
No timing
No timing
Low for 110 ns
during the window
from 0 bits after
SFD to 512 bits
after SFD
All received frames
All received frames
controller internal
physical address
and logical address
filter matches and
broadcast frames

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