IDT71P73804 Integrated Device Technology, IDT71P73804 Datasheet - Page 2



Manufacturer Part Number
1.8v 1m X 18 Ddr Ii Pipelined Sram
Integrated Device Technology

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clocks and the C, C clocks. In addition, the QDRII has an output “echo”
clock, CQ, CQ.
clock is used to clock in the control signals (LD, R/W and BWx or NWx),
the address, and the first and third words of the data burst during a write
operation. The K clock is used to clock in the control signals (BWx or
NWx), and the second and fourth words of the data burst during a write
operation. The K and K clocks are also used internally by the SRAM. In
the event that the user disables the C and C clocks, the K and K clocks
will also be used to clock the data out of the output register and generate
the echo clocks.
output register during read operations and to generate the echo clocks.
C and C must be presented to the SRAM within the timing tolerances.
The output data from the DDRII will be closely aligned to the C and C
input, through the use of an internal DLL. When C is presented to the
DDRII SRAM, the DLL will have already internally clocked the data to
arrive at the device output simultaneously with the arrival of the C clock.
The C and second data item of the burst will also correspond. The third
and fourth data words will follow on the next clock cycle of the C and C,
Single Clock Mode
and C may be disabled by tying both signals high, forcing the outputs
and echo clocks to be controlled instead by the K and K clocks.
DLL Operation
to closely align the incoming clocks C and C with the output of the data,
generating very tight tolerances between the two. The user may disable
the DLL by holding Doff low. With the DLL off, the C and C (or K and K
if C and C are not used) will directly clock the output register of the
SRAM. With the DLL off, there will be a propagation delay from the time
the clock enters the device until the data appears at the output.
Echo Clock
clocks (or K, K if C, C are disabled). The rising edge of C generates the
rising edge of CQ, and the falling edge of CQ. The rising edge of C
generates the rising edge of CQ and the falling edge of CQ. This
scheme improves the correlation of the rising and falling edges of the
echo clock and will improve the duty cycle of the individual signals.
ing that the echo clock will remain closely correlated with the data, within
the tolerances designated.
Read and Write Operations
(R/W) high, the load control input (LD) low and presenting the read
address to the address port during the rising edge of K, which will latch
the address. The data will then be read and will appear at the device
18 Mb DDR II SRAM Burst of 4
IDT71P73204 (2M x 8-Bit), 71P73104 (2M x 9-Bit), 71P73804 (1M x 18-Bit) 71P73604 (512K x 36-Bit)
Read operations are initiated by holding Read/Write control input
The echo clock is very closely aligned with the data, guarantee-
The DLL in the output structure of the DDRII SRAM can be used
The DDRII SRAM has two sets of input clocks, namely the K, K
The DDRII SRAM may be operated with a single clock pair. C
The K and K clocks are the primary device input clocks. The K
The echo clocks, CQ and CQ, are generated by the C and C
The C and C clocks may be used to clock the data out of the
output at the designated time in correspondence with the C and C clocks.
input (R/W) low, the load control input (LD) low and presenting the write
address to the address port during the rising edge of K, which will latch
the address. On the following rising edge of K, the first word of the four
word burst must be present on the data input bus DQ[x:O], along with the
appropriate byte write or nibble write (BWx or NWx) inputs. On the
following rising edge of K, the second word of the data write burst will be
accepted at the device input with the designated (BWx or NWx) inputs.
The subsequent K and K rising edges will receive the last two words of
the four word burst, with their BWx/NWx enables.
wide word and will retain their order in the burst. The x8 and x9 devices
do not have the ability to address to the single word level or change the
burst order; however the byte and nibble write signals can be used to
prevent writing any byte or individual nibbles, or combined to prevent
writing one word of the burst. The x18 and x36 DDRll devices have the
ability to address to the individual word level using the SA
address bits, but the burst will continue in a linear sequence and wraps
around without incrementing the SA bits. When reading or writing x18
and x36 DDRll devices, the burst will begin at the designated address,
but if the burst is started at any other position than the first word of the
burst, the burst will wrap back on itself and read the first locations before
completing. The x18 and x36 DDRII devices can also use the byte write
signals to prevent writing any individual byte or word of the burst.
Output Enables
outputs. When a valid read is in progress, and data is present at the
output, the output will be enabled. If no valid data is present at the output
(read not active), the output will be disabled (high impedance). The
echo clocks will remain valid at all times and cannot be disabled or turned
off. During power-up the DQ outputs will come up in a high impedance
Programmable Impedance
on the SRAM and Vss to allow the SRAM to adjust its output drive
impedance. The value of RQ must be 5X the value of the intended drive
impedance of the SRAM. The allowable range of RQ to guarantee
impedance matching with a tolerance of +/- 10% is between 175 ohms
and 350 ohms, with V
every 1024 clock cycles to correct for drifts in supply voltage and tem-
perature. If the user wishes to drive the output impedance of the SRAM
to it’s lowest value, the ZQ pin may be tied to V
The DDRII SRAM automatically enables and disables the DQ[X:0]
An external resistor, RQ, must be connected between the ZQ pin
DDRII devices internally store four words of the burst as a single,
Write operations are initiated by holding the Read/Write control
= 1.5V. The output impedance is adjusted
Commercial Temperature Range
and SA

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