st20-gp6 STMicroelectronics, st20-gp6 Datasheet - Page 73



Manufacturer Part Number
Gps Processor
13 System services
The system services module includes the control system, the PLL and power control. System
services include all the necessary logic to initialize and sustain operation of the device.
13.1 Reset, initialization and debug
The ST20-GP6 is controlled by a notRST pin which is a global power-on-reset.
13.1.1 Power-on reset
notRST initializes the device and causes it to enter its boot sequence (see Section 13.2 on
bootstrap). notRST must be asserted at power-on and held for 10 ms (or at least 8
LowPowerClockIn cycles) after both Vdd is in range and ClockIn is stable.
When notRST is asserted low, all modules are forced into their power-on reset condition. The
clocks are stopped. The rising edge of notRST is internally synchronized before starting the
initialization sequence.
13.2 Bootstrap
The ST20-GP6 can be bootstrapped from external ROM or internal ROM. When booting from
ROM, the ST20-GP6 starts to execute code from the top two bytes in external memory, at address
#7FFFFFFE which should contain a backward jump to a program in ROM.
13.3 Clocks
An on-chip phase locked loop (PLL) generates all the internal high frequency clocks. The PLL is
used to generate the internal clock frequencies needed for the CPU. Alternatively a direct clock
input can provide the system clocks.
The internal clock may be turned off (including the PLL) enabling power down mode.
The ST20-GP6 can be set to operate in TimesOneMode, which is when the PLL is bypassed. Dur-
ing TimesOneMode the input clock must be in the range 0 to 30 MHz and should be nominally 50/
50 mark space ratio.
Note, the single clock input (ClockIn) must be 16.368 MHz for correct GPS operation.
13.3.1 Speed select
The speed of the internal processor clock is variable in discrete steps. The clock rate at which the
ST20-GP6 runs is determined by the logic levels applied on the two speed select lines
SpeedSelect0-1 as detailed in Table 13.1. The frequency of ClockIn (fclk) for the speeds given in
the table is 16.368 MHz.

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