AT32UC3C2512C Automotive Atmel Corporation, AT32UC3C2512C Automotive Datasheet - Page 1221


AT32UC3C2512C Automotive

Manufacturer Part Number
AT32UC3C2512C Automotive
Atmel Corporation
Table 39-20. MEMORY_WORD_ACCESS Details (Continued)
This instruction allows access to the entire SAB data area. Up to 32 bits of data is accessed at a
time, while the address is sequentially incremented from the previously used address.
In this mode, the SAB address, size, and access direction is not provided with each access.
Instead, the previous address is auto-incremented depending on the specified size and the pre-
v i o u s o p e r a t i o n r e p e a t e d . T h e a d d r e s s m u s t b e s e t u p i n a d v a n c e w i t h
MEMORY_SIZE_ACCESS or MEMORY_WORD_ACCESS. It is allowed, but not required, to
shift data after shifting the address.
This instruction is primarily intended to speed up large quantities of sequential word accesses. It
is possible to use it also for byte and halfword accesses, but the overhead in this is case much
larger as 32 bits must still be shifted for each access.
The following sequence should be used:
For write operations, 32 data bits must be provided, or the result will be undefined. For read
operations, shifting may be terminated once the required number of bits have been acquired.
Table 39-21. MEMORY_BLOCK_ACCESS Details
DR output value (Address phase)
DR output value (Data read phase)
DR output value (Data write phase)
IR input value
IR output value
DR Size
DR input value (Data read phase)
1. Use the MEMORY_SIZE_ACCESS or MEMORY_WORD_ACCESS to read or write the
2. Return to Run-Test/Idle.
3. Select the IR Scan path.
4. In Capture-IR: The IR output value is latched into the shift register.
5. In Shift-IR: The instruction register is shifted by the TCK input.
6. Return to Run-Test/Idle.
7. Select the DR Scan path. The address will now have incremented by 1, 2, or 4 (corre-
8. In Shift-DR: For a read operation, scan out the contents of the next addressed location.
9. Go to Update-DR.
10. If the block access is not complete, return to Select-DR Scan and repeat the access.
11. If the block access is complete, return to Run-Test/Idle.
first location.
sponding to the next byte, halfword, or word location).
For a write operation, scan in the new contents of the next addressed location.
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xeb
xeb dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd dddddddd
xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxeb
10010 (0x12)
34 bits
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xx

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