AM79C978A AMD [Advanced Micro Devices], AM79C978A Datasheet - Page 64



Manufacturer Part Number
Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller
AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]

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Part Number:
8 000
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20 000
Part Number:
6 605
Counters are provided to report the Receive Collision
Count and Runt Packet Count for network statistics
and utilization calculations.
Media Access Management
The basic requirement for all stations on the network is
to provide fairness of channel allocation. The IEEE
802.3/Ethernet protocols define a media access mech-
anism which permits all stations to access the channel
with equality. Any node can attempt to contend for the
channel by waiting for a predetermined time (Inter
Packet Gap) after the last activity, before transmitting
on the media. The channel is a multidrop communica-
tions media (with various topological configurations
permitted), which allows a single station to transmit and
all other stations to receive. If two nodes simulta-
neously contend for the channel, their signals will inter-
act causing loss of data, defined as a collision. It is the
responsibility of the MAC to attempt to avoid and
recover from a collision and to guarantee data integrity
for the end-to-end transmission to the receiving station.
Medium Allocation
The IEEE/ANSI 802.3 standard (ISO/IEC 8802-3 1990)
requires that the CSMA/CD MAC monitor the medium
for traffic by watching for carrier activity. When carrier
is detected, the media is considered busy, and the
MAC should defer to the existing message.
The ISO 8802-3 (IEEE/ANSI 802.3) standard also
allows optionally a two-part deferral after a receive
See ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3-1993 Edition,
Note: “It is possible for the PLS carrier sense indica-
tion to fail to be asserted during a collision on the me-
dia. If the deference process simply times the inter-
frame gap based on this indication, it is possible for a
short interframe gap to be generated, leading to a po-
tential reception failure of a subsequent frame. To en-
hance system robustness, the following optional
measures (as specified in 4.2.8) are recommended
when InterFrameSpacingPart1 is other than 0:
1. Upon completing a transmission, start timing the in-
2. When timing an inter-frame gap following reception,
The MAC engine implements the optional receive two-
part deferral algorithm, with an InterFrameSpacing-
Part1 time of 6.0 ms. The InterFrameSpacingPart 2 in-
terval is, therefore, 3.4 ms.
terrupted gap as soon as transmitting and carrier
sense are both false.
reset the inter-frame gap timing if carrier sense be-
comes true during the first 2/3 of the inter-frame gap
timing interval. During the final 1/3 of the interval,
the timer shall not be reset to ensure fair access to
the medium. An initial period shorter than 2/3 of the
interval is permissible including 0.”
TheAm79C978A controller will perform the two-part
deferral algorithm as specified in the Process Defer-
ence section. The Inter Packet Gap (IPG) timer will
start timing the 9.6 ms InterFrameSpacing after the
receive carrier is deasserted. During the first part de-
fe r r a l ( I n t e r Fr a m e S p a c i n g Pa r t 1 - I F S 1 ) , t h e
Am79C978A controller will defer any pending trans-
mit frame and respond to the receive message. The
IPG counter will be cleared to 0 continuously until the
carrier deasserts, at which point the IPG counter will
resume the 9.6 ms count once again. Once the IFS1
period of 6.0 ms has elapsed, the Am79C978A con-
troller will begin timing the second part deferral
(InterFrameSpacingPart2 - IFS2) of 3.4 ms. Once
IFS1 has completed and IFS2 has commenced, the
Am79C978A controller will not defer to a receive
frame if a transmit frame is pending. This means that
the Am79C978A controller will not attempt to receive
the receive frame, since it will start to transmit and
generate a collision at 9.6 ms. TheAm79C978A con-
troller will complete the preamble (64-bit) and jam
(32-bit) sequence before ceasing transmission and
invoking the random backoff algorithm.
TheAm79C978A controller allows the user to pro-
g r a m t h e I P G a n d t h e f i r s t - p a r t d e f e r r a l
(InterFrameSpacingPart1 - IFS1) through CSR125.
By changing the IPG default value of 96 bit times
(60h), the user can adjust the fairness or aggressive-
ness of the MAC on the network. By programming a
lower number of bit times than the ISO/IEC 8802-3
standard requires, the MAC engine will become
more aggressive on the network. This aggressive
nature will give rise to the Am79C978A controller
possibly capturing the network at times by forcing
other less aggressive compliant nodes to defer. By
programming a larger number of bit times, the MAC
will become less aggressive on the network and may
defer more often than normal. The performance of
the Am79C978A controller may decrease as the IPG
value is increased from the default value, but the re-
sulting behavior may improve network performance
by reducing collisions. TheAm79C978A controller
uses the same IPG for back-to-back transmits and
receive-to-transmit accesses. Changing IFS1 will
alter the period for which the MAC engine will defer
to incoming receive frames.
CAUTION: Care must be exercised when altering
these parameters. Adverse network activity could
This transmit two-part deferral algorithm is imple-
mented as an option which can be disabled using the
DXMT2PD bit in CSR3. The IFS1 programming will
have no effect when DXMT2PD is set to 1, but the IPG
programming value is still valid. Two part deferral after
transmission is useful for ensuring that severe IPG
shrinkage cannot occur in specific circumstances,

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