AM79C978A AMD [Advanced Micro Devices], AM79C978A Datasheet - Page 88



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Single-Chip 1/10 Mbps PCI Home Networking Controller
AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]

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When PMAT_MODE is set, a read of BCR45 re-
turns all bits undefined except for PMAT_MODE.
In o r der to ac ce s s th e c on ten ts of th e P MR,
PMAT_MODE bit should be programmed to 0.
When BCR45 is written to set the PMAT_MODE bit to 0,
the Pattern Match logic is disabled and accesses to the
PMR are possible. Bits 6:0 of BCR45 specify the address
of the PMR word to be accessed. Writing to BCR45 does
not immediately affect the contents of the PMR. Following
the write to BCR45, the PMR word addressed by bits 6:0
of BCR45 may be read by reading BCR45, BCR46, and
BCR47 in any order. To write to the PMR word, the write
to BCR45 must be followed by a write to BCR46 and a
write to BCR47 in that order to complete the operation.
The PMR will not actually be written until the write to
BCR47 is complete.
The first two 40-bit words in this RAM serve as pointers
and contain enable bits for the eight possible match
patterns. The remainder of the RAM contains the
match patterns and associated match pattern control
bits. Byte 0 of the first word contains the pattern enable
bits. Any bit position set in this byte enables the corre-
sponding match pattern in the PMR, as an example if
the bit 3 is set, then pattern 3 is enabled for matching.
Bytes 1 to 4 in the first word are pointers to the begin-
ning of the patterns 0 to 3, and bytes 1 to 4 in the sec-
ond word are pointers to the beginning of patterns 4 to
7, respectively. Byte 0 of the second word has no func-
tion associated with it. Byte 0 of the words 2 to 63 is the
control field of the PMR. Bit 7 of this field is the End of
Packet (EOP) bit. When this bit is set, it indicates the
end of a pattern in the PMR. Bits 6-4 of the control field
byte are the SKIP bits. The value of the SKIP field indi-
cates the number of the Dwords to be skipped before
the pattern in this PMR word is compared with data
from the incoming frame. A maximum of seven Dwords
may be skipped. Bits 3-0 of the control field byte are the
MASK bits. These bits correspond to the pattern match
bytes 3-0 of the same PMR word (PMR bytes 4-1). If bit
n of this field is 0, then byte n of the corresponding pat-
tern word is ignored. If this field is programmed to
three, then bytes 0 and 1 of the pattern match field
(bytes 2 and 1 of the word) are used, and bytes 3 and
2 are ignored in the pattern matching operation.
The contents of the PMR are not affected by H_RESET,
S_RESET, or STOP. The contents are undefined after a
power up reset (POR).
Magic Packet Mode
In Magic Packet mode, the controller remains fully pow-
ered up (all VDD and VDDB pins must remain at their
supply levels). The device will not generate any bus mas-
ter transfers. No transmit operations will be initiated on the
network. The device will continue to receive frames from
the network, but all frames will be automatically flushed
from the receive FIFO. Slave accesses to the controller
are still possible. A Magic Packet is a frame that is ad-
dressed to the controller and contains a data sequence
anywhere in its data field made up of 16 consecutive cop-
ies of the device’s physical address (PADR[47:0]). The
controller will search incoming frames until it finds a Magic
Packet frame. It starts scanning for the sequence after
processing the length field of the frame. The data se-
quence can begin anywhere in the data field of the frame,
but must be detected before the controller reaches the
frame’s FCS field. Any deviation of the incoming frame’s
data sequence from the required physical address se-
quence, even by a single bit, will prevent the detection of
that frame as a Magic Packet frame.
The controller supports two different modes of ad-
dress detection for a Magic Packet frame. If MPPLBA
(CSR5, bit 5) or EMPPLBA (CSR116, bit 6) are at their
default value of 0, the controller will only detect a
Magic Packet frame if the destination address of the
packet matches the content of the physical address
register (PADR). If MPPLBA or EMPPLBA are set to
1, the destination address of the Magic Packet frame
can be unicast, multicast, or broadcast.
CAUTION: The setting of MPPLBA or EMPPLBA only
effects the address detection of the Magic Packet
frame. The Magic Packet’s data sequence must be
made up of 16 consecutive copies of the device’s phys-
ical address (PADR[47:0]), regardless of what kind of
destination address it has.
There are two general methods to place the controller into
Magic Packet mode. The first is the software method. In
this method, either the BIOS or other software sets the
MPMODE bit (CSR5, bit 1). Then the controller must be
put into suspend mode (see description of CSR5, bit 0),
allowing any current network activity to finish. Finally, ei-
ther PG must be deasserted (hardware control), or MPEN
(CSR5, bit 2) must be set to 1 (software control).
CAUTION: FASTSPNDE (CSR7, bit 15) has no mean-
ing in Magic Packet mode.
The second method is the hardware method. In this
method, the MPPEN bit (CSR116, bit 4) is set at power up
by the loading of the EEPROM. This bit can also be set by
software. The controller will be placed in the Magic Packet
Mode when either the PG input is deasserted or the
MPEN bit is set. Magic Packet mode can be disabled at
any time by asserting PG or clearing MPEN bit.

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